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I have a question of compatibility between ORBX Washington & DD's Seattle Airports.


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I assume that your Washington is not compatible with DD's Seattle City and I am quite prepared to remove DD's version. But I gather that you are using many of the XP-11 airports especially in what X-Plane calls it's gateway cities. I think Seattle would qualify as gateway. I also notice that in your screen shots showing the Seattle area KSEA and KPAE look rather bland. I am curious as to if DD's Seattle Airport package is compatible with ORBX Washington? That would be KSEA, KPAE, KRNT, KBFI, and the small field in Auburn... S50 I think. I will gladly remove those too if I must but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask? I suspect others will have the same question too.


A second question if I may... I have KVUO installed... your version of course. Do I need to remove it then reinstall it after installing Washington or will WA install around if without problems?


I know I am being a pain in the butt but I'm old and I worry about things. ;)



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Hi I’m not tony and I got rid of all my Seattle scenery a while back whilst I flew with tegb but from what I remember of dd Seattle airports, I think there is a mesh folder called zzz dd Seattle airports xp terrain which will appear in your scenery ini as scenery_pack/custom scenery/zzz dd Seattle airports xp terrain which you should edit to read scenery_pack_disabled/ custom scenery/zzz dd Seattle airports xp terrain. I think this is the name of the mesh folder. I will only find out when I try to down load it again later after my te Washington finishes installing.

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11 hours ago, tonywob said:

They are compatible, but you have to disable the custom mesh that comes with DD's Seattle.


KVUO is not in this region as it's very close to Portland and will be in the Oregon region (due to tile limitations in X-Plane), but they do work fine together.


8 hours ago, HamSammich said:

Hello Tony,


How do you disable the DD mesh, please?




1 hour ago, jrgorton said:

Hi I’m not tony and I got rid of all my Seattle scenery a while back whilst I flew with tegb but from what I remember of dd Seattle airports, I think there is a mesh folder called zzz dd Seattle airports xp terrain which will appear in your scenery ini as scenery_pack/custom scenery/zzz dd Seattle airports xp terrain which you should edit to read scenery_pack_disabled/ custom scenery/zzz dd Seattle airports xp terrain. I think this is the name of the mesh folder. I will only find out when I try to down load it again later after my te Washington finishes installing.


Thanks guys,


Hopefully that will sort things out. The DD scenery of Seattle was great but very hard on frames. I want to get that scenery less the airport package removed to a separate 4TB "backup" disk before I purchase & install Washington on my 2TB SSD which is reserved for flight sims. ORBX's Seattle except for the airports looks to be equal to DD's for beauty and if we can go by the fact that with ORBX TEGBS installed flying over London is far smoother on frames than default XP11 London scenery so Seattle should be great. Of course using DD's airports will slow that some but shouldn't be too bad away from those airports. Besides which I am interested in far more than Seattle with this TEUSWA purchase... like my home town of Tacoma and the Grand Coulee Dam area which I lived in for about 18 months years ago. There are many other points of interest I'm anxious to see.


Thanks again for the info.

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12 hours ago, tonywob said:

They are compatible, but you have to disable the custom mesh that comes with DD's Seattle.


KVUO is not in this region as it's very close to Portland and will be in the Oregon region (due to tile limitations in X-Plane), but they do work fine together.


Do I have to disable the mesh for both DD's Seattle City & Seattle Airports? I assume so but like I said I'm an old guy who learns slowly. ;)




Forget this dumb additional question... it looks as if there is only one mesh entry and that is for the airports... I assume that is the one to be disabled. Thank you!

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Hi again guys,


So OK there may be compatibility but not worth the effort. I removed the DD Seattle City stuff and the mesh entry and the files for all of that stuff. Then I brought up XP at KSEA and overflew KBFI & KRNT then restarted at KPAE. It works but all the stuff that makes DD's airports special is gone as are all terminal buildings and so forth. So once I have some lunch I will go back and remove the DD Seattle Airport package and try again. Then it will be about time to buy TEUSWA and begin the download.


Thanks again!

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10 hours ago, Robin Murphy said:

I have removed the Mesh from DD Seattle Airports and the airport does look nice and blends well with Orbx, but there is still an issue with mesh. Floating buildings.


The floating objects are caused by DD having placed the buildings at a fixed elevation (Likely during the conversion from the P3D version) and flattening the airport. Whilst the airport works, the only one who can fix these floating buildings are DD, and hopefully they will. Whilst we made it compatible as much as we could, we also have to bare in mind that not everyone uses DD's scenery, and we can't get the mesh to exactly match their 3D version without their original source data.


As for KRNT, there is a problem in the gateway airport with flattening that causes a cliff (it wasn't there during 11.30, but someone edited it and submitted to the gateway for 11.33). For the majority of airports in Washington, flattening isn't needed (and caused us complaints when we did it in the England region), but it's up to the airport authors to disable this flattening and this will happen in due course (we're finding ones and submitting as well). However, we can't just flatten the airports if they don't work in the default scenery as well, so it does make it challenging



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On 6/22/2019 at 3:11 PM, Robin Murphy said:

Hi All,


I have removed the Mesh from DD Seattle Airports and the airport does look nice and blends well with Orbx, but there is still an issue with mesh. Floating buildings.


Does Orbx recommend disabling "Runway follows terrain"?


The problem I mentioned above happened before I bought & installed TEUSWA. I did figure out where I made a mistake when trying to use DD's airports. I removed a line about the mesh near the bottom of the "ini" file but missed one near the top. By the time I figured that out I had already removed the airports so I left them out and moved onto getting WA ready to go. DD's airports are really much more detailed than the others but for now I think I will leave them out. The non DD versions are "fairly decent" and at the moment I am more interested in checking out other areas. I am finding a few buggy spots but nothing too terrible as of yet. I need to do some more testing then I will report what I have found. I don't think I will even try to put back in the DD airports until after the "HD" upgrade comes in mid July I think. I will wait and see if that has an impact on those airports. I also want to wait and see if industrious folks like yourself are able to resolve your floating buildings and what not. By the way I've found a few floating buildings of my own and they are nowhere near those airports. You can find a couple of semi floating hangers at the South end of KTIW for example. The two Southern most hangers are on the ground at their Northern ends... Southern ends are dangling in mid air. I've hopped around the state a fair amount but have much more to check out but I have to be up early so I need to get to bed now. Be well!

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16 hours ago, chifan90 said:

Instead of disabling a scenery pack in the ini file. Why not just trash the whole folder. That’s what I do with the generic gateway aero soft airports and global airports. I don’t use LEGO packs 


I didn't "trash" the folder but I did remove it to another drive totally out of the sim. At some point I may try to reinstall those airports but if I do that will be several months from now if at all. I am not knowledgeable enough about XP11 to understand what you mean by LEGO packs. That sounds like something I used 60 some years ago to build imaginary buildings with.

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On 6/25/2019 at 12:32 PM, twsimfan said:


I didn't "trash" the folder but I did remove it to another drive totally out of the sim. At some point I may try to reinstall those airports but if I do that will be several months from now if at all. I am not knowledgeable enough about XP11 to understand what you mean by LEGO packs. That sounds like something I used 60 some years ago to build imaginary buildings with.


laminar sometimes refers to their global airports package as lego bricks, because anyone can use them and it's generic items like terminals etc.  nice to have but it is a pet peeve when people say here is a representation of the real thing when using generic items.  the only representations are custom full accurate airports

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