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Save Australia version 1?

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Please, is it possible to make a backup of version 1 before uninstalling it? If so, how?


What would be the folders located in the FTX_AU folder to copy, if it is possible to make a backup in this way?

Thank you and Regards,


EDIT: I just saw that it is still in my account, I am downloading the ZIP version...

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because the product is in your account, there is no need whatsoever to make a local backup.

It will not disappear from your account and will be available for you whenever you make the

extraordinary decision to go back to the first version.





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Nick, please don´t get mad at me but explain to me why you seem to be obsessed by "no need whatsoever to make a local backup"?
I have a very slow connection and IF I have to re-install an ORBX scenery it is mucjh easier to do it from a local backup, than re-download it so that is why I always

download manually. This saved weeks of time when my HD broke down, a while ago. Ok, I might be stupid but I will stil, in the future, download manually and save a backup of the files. Sorry Nick! ;)



the Swede in Spain

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1 hour ago, Nick Cooper said:

Thanks Jack.

I take it then that you have every intention at some point of ditching Australia v2 and retuening to version 1?


Not at all Nick, I think I was among the first to install AU2. But... let´s just agree that we disagree when it comes to backups. ;)

Case closed.




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