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Australia V1 Scenery, Is this right?

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I have recently purchased P3D v4.5 have Installed Global, Vector, Australia, HD Trees  and Orbx Libraries,


Im getting these textures and im unsure if this is correct it looks like default tiles with global textures, Can someone explain to me if this is correct of if this is wrong.



my system

 i7 8700K

Nvidea GTX 1080Ti

16GB Ram 






AUS Prob.jpg

AUS Prob2.jpg

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Hello Im still having what appears to be problems with the scenery if you look closely an area of replicating tiles show in the scenery and looks like default scenery surely this isn't correct the rest of the area looks OK, what would be causing this? lat and long is in the picture i have circled the area in question..... thank you for your help

Aus problem.png

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