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KSAN FTX Central issues

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Hello all,

I've just updated my KSAN to the latest version via FTX Central, or at least tried to do so.


First, the update downloaded the 5GB of data and installed the airport, but FTX Central would not actually save any changes I made to the scenery config (Control Panel). I continued to have both afcads, statics and none, for example, and it would not save the FTX Mode.


I uninstalled KSAN fully, then reinstalled (another 5GB download). The scenery installed and the Control Panel worked correctly, but in sim I had terrible frame rates compared to the prior version. I entered FTX Central and clicked "Verify Files" and the program proceeded to download the entire 5GB package again.


Once again the Control Panel will not save the options for Statcis, FTX Mode, etc. 


I seem stuck in an infinite loop, are there any suggestions for my escape? Thanks! B)

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uninstall, reinstall and then leave it alone while it is working.

Verify files is not there to solve problems with frame rates, it is there to solve problems with the product.

Once you have the control panel working again, try to use that to maximise your frame rates.

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The main issue I have is that the control panel is NOT saving the changes set within- I've uninstalled, rebooted, and reinstalled (downloading 5+ GB of data each time). I just complete another round of this a few minutes ago. Opening the control panel the FTX Mode options and the Static Aircraft options have no selection. Once I choose each, closing the window does not make or save the change. Next time control panel is opened they remain unchecked. Essentially, it never reaches a point where it IS working. 


My FTX Central is v3.3.6.0, is it possible this is out of date? 


My frame rate issue is unrelated, but is also a product of installing the update- what I don't understand is the "verify files" options to validate that "all files are valid" seems to re-download the entirety of the package, even immediately after a full reinstall of the KSAN product. 


Unfortunately this process seems to also have corrupted my P3d installation, as now I'm unable to launch the sim.

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Orbx control panels stop working when both versions of a file to be renamed are present, for example


file_to_be_changed.off and



When verify files is run after the control panel has been used, any renamed files are seen as missing and

replaced, resulting in the duplicates.


Immediately after you did this:



I uninstalled KSAN fully, then reinstalled (another 5GB download). The scenery installed and the Control Panel worked correctly


was and is the correct moment to stop.


You could also review the control panel file, see which files it changes, there are a very great many, and then remove all the .off versions.

I doubt that you would wish to do that though.

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Hi Nick,

My issue now seems to still be failure of the Control Panel to save changes to the FTX Mode and Static settings. I've been through another round today (prior to your follow up) and still cannot seem to get the CP to save its changes. I did see the file behavior you described, so have removed the add-on again via FTX and will try another installation.


One thing about P3d, it seems the uninstaller removed the product and deleted the folder but somehow did not edit the p3d scenery settings. Once I recreated an FTX_AA_KSAN folder with a dummy bgl file in the scenery folder p3d started up again and closed gracefully. Seems I may have a corrupted file or program on my system; I'll remove FTX Central and reinstall, then will try another KSAN install and post back. Thanks. 

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If you look at the control panel xml file, you will see that there are changes to other files that need to be checked.

It's not too much, the file is ORBX\Scripts\orbx_cpl_KSAN.xml, it will open with Notepad and the other files are listed first,

before any that are in the KSAN product.

I would advise you to check them before you do another reinstallation of the airport.

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I’m having the same issue, FTX Central won’t save the FTX Mode to SoCal. I believe as a result I am getting duplicate taxiway and runway signs on the ground. Can you describe a little bit more in depth what you mean here? 

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if you follow the information already in this topic, it will lead you to



In each, you will probably find files with the same name but with different extensions.

Please remove all the duplicate files with the .BGL.OFF extension until there are no

more duplicates.


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