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Judder over London post LM Hotfix

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The latest hotfix is a vast improvement for true earth and highly recommended . Only issue is the trouble spot of London . The sim wants to run at 30-40fps over uk but judders back to 15. As you can see from attached image I believe I am running out of RAM Vram and standard memory .This is on JVs recommended settings . I have an RTX 2080 and 16 gig 3200mhz memory.

I have tried every adjustment I can think of and cant improve.

Your help gents would be much appreciated so close to a perfect sim every other area is fine and ftx England over London is smooth. 

over london.jpg

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My PC well meets the minimum  specs quoted in this forum  

Please could you comment

Is there still a bug on the software.  

or has the recommended settings changed post LM hot fix

everywhere else bar London is smooth . Sim keeps trying to jump to a reasonable 30-40 fps but is being held back and I cannot find a setting that works .I have spent a lot of money upgrading hardware in the last few months . What is going on !!!!!!! 

Lack of input from Orbx is now deafening.  

I will shut up and wait for yet another hotfix  and happily fly somewhere  else  just want some advise from the Orbx staff . If I require another 16 gig of ram will purchase but I want to know first money is not going down the drain.

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London is full of objects, and represents one of the most demanding spots in the sim.  So much so, that I have a saved config just for London.  I'm sure you know that P3D allows you to save configuration presets via the P3D settings screen.


My London preset, for example, has both special effects sliders turned off -- reason, it turns off the wave fx file, which in a place like London or NY is an fps eater.  Be mindful of the cars slider as well, anything over 10 is probably too high for London.  My London config also has lower autogen slider settings (all of them -- radius as well as veg and buildings).  Another thing about London are the 3-4+ large airports in the AI bubble there...you have to be aware of that if you run lots of AI, you may need to adjust the density setting for that area.

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Thank you Mace and any help from other individuals are much appreciated but was hoping a developer might be able to advise .

My settings are here 

I have a 1080p monitor and my system appears to be running out of memory. So settings are incorrect .

The memory usage has nearly doubled since LM 4.5 came in and has not changed with the hotfix .

I have tried your advice and no change .

Posted Wednesday and not even an acknowledgement from Orbx this  is really bad .





Same DA 62 

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like the previous poster said, it is London, always been a FPS eater, good advice given to have different settings......trouble is it's not just what you see is it? also depends on what you are using and what systems it has, the weather, perfect clear skies or huge clouds....what else might be running on your PC grabbing at your resources? other apps running, EFB, moving map etc etc...sometimes just because you are above the numbers it doesn't mean you don't get a slide show....

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Again Wain I understand and know this . I don't report issuses without a lot of comprehensive testing and elimination . London is a nightmare I know  .I cannot now find a set of settings that works since 4.5 .   Brilliant now on FTX England best I have ever  seen since 4.5 HF1 . Hotfix 1 has improved TE remarkably but something is overloading my system in London . My settings are JVs own settings all I ask is Orbx check that all is ok and something has not been missed in London . Could be just one set of custom autogen  

If anyone has a set of settings which is smooth Not high FPS  could they post as well as a screen grab of task manager like I did . If there is a fault on my PC I want to know and fix it  . If my hardware is not up to the job then can someone say .

If it works well for everbody else then I will be hitting the reformat button and saying thanks for identifying the fault it was my system.,

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It all depends on what your expectations are given your PC spec.

JV's setting are relevant to his PC's spec & will not be applicable to all other pc's of differing specs

I'm running am i7 9700 with RTX 2070 on a Z370-P II motherboard, not overclocked

& get 23-30fps flying down the Thames from EGML past the London Eye & back towards Ldn City Airport

No shudders or blurries & totally flyable

Away from London I use higher settings & get high 30's








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