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KACK Ground/Elevation?

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Hello, Ive just got KACK and it seems to be a problem with the ground textures or scenery? i ran the MIGRATION ive uninstalled the scenery a few times and then did the auto config in ORBX Global. nothing is fixing the problem. Just updated up to P3dv4.5 from 4.3 didnt work either with that version as well. seems like the only airport that gives me a problem. 



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A quick look at the screenshots shows that you've got two versions of KACK running; that of the freeware NA airports pack, and the custom version I did. You'll need to get rid of the freeware version before using the custom. Nick can walk you through how to do that if you don't already know.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello Gentlemen,


I'm running into the same problem. I've followed the steps Bill and Nick recommend. The screenshot shows the result. Close, but not quite. What am I missing?


Thanks in advance.


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I re-verified KACK and now am a little closer. The aircraft is no longer below ground, but the ramp, taxiways, and runways are slightly lower than the surrounding terrain. I notice when I attempt to run the AEC tool, KACK isn't on the list of airports to disable.


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  • 3 months later...

That moment when Bill Womack offered to help. One more reason I'm an Orbx fan for life.


Hello all. I worked through the issue with your help this past June, but now have a new issue. For some reason KACK seems to love me, lol.


The problem I'm now having is that the airport buildings and runway/taxiway/ramp markings area missing. The first file "bill" shows the current status/location of the .bgl file that was the problem last time. The second file "missing" shows what I'm seeing when I now load the scenery.


It worked great for about 3 or 4 flights, then last week things went missing. I've installed the new version of Orbx Central (4.01), uninstalled and reinstalled the KACK scenery (v1.2.0), Verified the files, and checked the configuration to make sure everything is turned on.


Any thoughts?



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