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TrueEarth Netherlands loading way too slowly

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Hi all,


Currently running V4.4. When loading in EHAM or any other airport, it can take up to 11 minutes for the loading to even get past 6%! This is way longer than it was before and I have no idea why. My settings are moderate, nothing is all the way to the right.


Also when flying into NL the textures don't seem to want to load in too. It's just one big blurry mess (the autogen is okay though...). I have this in no other place on earth (not even London).


Is something blocking the loading of these files or something? Because there were moments that I had absolutely no problems with it...



R9 390 8GB



Thanks in advance.

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If using V4.4 the advice is to use a scenery config editor (freeware) to untick all unnecessary scenery layers in your Scenery Library and that should speed things up.


A correct install of V4.5 appears to have lessened the need to disable scenery layers though it still makes a bit of difference.

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In your Startup Screen in P3D there is a Scenery tab.  That lists all your scenery layers.  The bottom layers are default, they will start at Bathymetry or Barcelona etc.  Above them will be all your add-on sceneries.  If you untick all scenery items  except the GB and Netherlands scenery layers, OrbxLIBS, and any airports you in tend to fly in or out of, you should have better loading times.  Updating to P3DV4.5 will also help.

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