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True Earth GB Road Signage

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Hi Barrie,

What you are seeing is the default XPlane roads and signage. With your FTX Central  via the Control Panel for whatever region of TE you have you can change the roads from Default to Transparent road texture. Makes it better on the eye in my opinion. To their credit Orbx have the traffic driving on the left side of the road!!! The signage is the same all over Europe and is a Laminar Research thing. I sim mainly in the UK and Ireland and they are all in German.I believe they are trying to change this but I imagine its a major task. I am no expert here so others may be able to enlighten you further.



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Hi John Mac

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I have looked at all the following road folders, Road, Road_x & Road_T and all have American Signage. The TE North does have EU motorway intersection and EU Motorway signage, but both South and Central do not, even after selecting the Transparent option in the Control Panel.




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Hi Nick

Thanks for your response, to answer your question i was just browsing the road texture files. I was interested if i could modify the EU Motorway signage to that of the UK. I am pretty good with photoshop and was hoping changing the image but still retain the original file name. But sometimes file size is important and the modified texture file would have to be the same as the original. I hope that makes sense.




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yes, that can be done.

However, due to the very limited number of sign images, I guess that the directions would almost always be wrong.

Here is one I did as a test, note also the customary tailgating seen on the opposing carriageway under the sign.:)






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