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Floating Building South of YPJT P3dv4.5

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Hi Folks, 

My dilemma is, I did the client and Content upgrade from P3dv4.4 to 4.5, and for some unknown reason, I have a floating building, off from the YPJT to the right of RWY 12 apex and in front of RWY 24R as you take off. 
The building is not part of ORBX YPJT, it sits floating about 3 metres off the ground, up to 1000 metres away from YPJT. 
I have Ozx and ORBX Australia, I have disabled Pilots Ultimate Terrain, Ozx, it still remains so its not that. 
I also use All Global ORBX and BlackMarble, should I unistall either of these?

 I know its a long shot, but does anyone have any ideas?  Or where I might look, could it be a file in ORBX Australia?
Is it a P3D file. I made no other changes to either scenery or placement order, simply client and content update?
I have updated FTX LIBs, I’ve posted on AVSIM P3d forum and P3d Forum, no luck as yet.  
I disabled ORBX Global Vector not knowing if it would have any bearing, it didn't? 

Should I uninstall ORBX Australia and Reinstall?
Offending building via google earth: 32-06`23.99"S 115-51`52.02"E  
Kind Regards
Brian Baxter

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No Luck.

Set Mesh to 5M then 10M, still floating.

I did uninstall Pilots Ultimate Terrain, yesterday and reinstall, but no luck.

Do you know where I might look to disable the bgl, I have already uninstalled YPJT and ORBX AUSTRALIA and reinstalled, to No Avail.

I really cant understand it, because it was all good in 4.4?


Kind Regards


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Doug Ill do that now,


Ive just looked in the Terrain.cfg  at FTX_AU and the Flattenoffsetmetres=-1 if that means anything?

Just searched P3D sim for YPJT.Bgl, have it up on my Sim computer 36 items?






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I am not sure about MarbleBlack, but it would be worth unchecking/deactivating anything in your .xml addons list and test one at a time, and or your scenery library.


Also, I am wondering about the UT stuff in your scenery library, is that just Canada only?

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I know Your sleeping but, No I have the Full Pilots Ultimate Terrain NG all Continents and I installed UTX Canada as a separate item.

Could it be that I don't need UTX Canada as I have the whole continent with Pilots Ultimate Terrain.

But then again, I don't see how UTX Canada would interfere with Australian Mesh?

Anyway Ill be back again when your back on or someone else throws some ideas at me.




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Reinstalled Global Base, disabled Utx Canada, disabled BlackMarble,

No result, still a floating building.

When I remove UT ng, are there any hidden files other than those that sit outside of P3d. Am I not removing everything? Could this be the problem, as the scenery around YPJT, does look quiet enhanced?

Regards Brian


Sleep time down under now, cheers

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Just waking up down under, will leave content 4.5, and revert back to client 4.4.

will this bugger up (break) any of my updated addons, GTN, PTA, CHASEPLANE, AS16, envtex , etc?

If this is the case, it might end up one hec of a mess, do you not think?


Regards Brian

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Whenever there is an update with P3d, none of my addon software,  as mentioned works, until they are all patched and made compatible with the newer version of P3d.

i mentioned a few, but there are others such as FSPS, P4Ao Lorby-Si.Will these updated addons still work with 4.4 client when they have been updated to work with 4.5.

Sorry to be such a pain, it’s just with all that I’ve put into P3D, would take weeks upon weeks to reinstall if I mess things up.

I take a lot of Medication for my PTSD, following incidents in both the Military and Civilian life, that leaves the brain a little foggy.

My apologies.



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Do you not update client when updating content?

Most forums state that the least amount of problems that one would incur is by only updating client and content so as not to have to reinstall all of your addons from fresh.

I guess I’m not sure wether I want  to take the risk, as this is my only outlet in life that takes me away from reality and my problems.

I may just wait and see if anyone else is experiencing the same problems, but I’m not seeing it around the forums, so it maybe specific to my setup.

I appreciate everything you have done, and it’s great to have the support of people like yourself.

I can’t take the risk, as the impact on me if things go wrong, becomes ten fold on those around me, because of my condition.

Please leave it active and I’ll wait a little longer.


Thanks again Doug,


Kind Regards 




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No problem Brian, will do.


Yes I always update the client first and usually only, but in this case I did a complete clean reinstall of everything to v4.5 and after the fact did some experimenting with Orbx products and ended up rolling back to v4.4 when I encountered your topic. So I will be transferring clients back and forth while testing further.

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Thanks again, I look forward to any advice or help from you or your Team of Warriors from ORBX.

Without ORBX, P3d would not be worth while from a reality point of view, your products turn an otherwise average looking flight simulator into the world we really live in.

By chance, how could I locate the specific bgl, for that building and delete it, or I'm guessing its a lot more complex than that?

In fact I'm sure its a lot more complex than that!

Its 0920hrs here in Western Australia, I'm believe its 1920hrs, in your part of the world.

So I'm guessing in a few hours you will be off to bed, and Ill be cleaning the pool, patio and all those horrible duties a stay at home Pensioner has to do.

Look forward to ANYTHING.

Ill remain popping on and off all day as I go about my house duties, bit of a step down from days in the Military and Corrective Service, where I made the work get done.


Regards Brian

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11 minutes ago, BaxterBj1956 said:

By chance, how could I locate the specific bgl, for that building and delete it, or I'm guessing its a lot more complex than that?


Yes, it would be more complex than that, as that building would be part of many other items.

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Hi Brian

Had a look at Jandakot with Orbx YPJT "ticked" & then "unticked" in the Scenery Lib.

The floating? building IS part of YPJT

As you can see you are missing some photoreal that comes with Orbx YPJT & the buildings 

Maybe do a reinstall the the YPJT scenery?





and without



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Bruce ,

I have reinstalled YPJT and have all 37 files, the building to the south of Runway 24R and to the right of the APEX of RWY 12, in a direct line from 24R is still floating.

I have uninstalled client 4.5 replaced 4.4, NO Change, reinstalled client 4.5, uninstalled Content 4.5 replaced with 4.4, No Change, reinstalled 4.5.

Uninstalled Blackmarble,  Pilots Ultimate Terrain NG, UTx Canada, NO Change.

What will I lose if I back up all my scenery in the scenery folder and ADDON Scenery if I choose to install uninstall 4.4 and upgrade to 4.5 scenery?


Kind Regards



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But on the other Hand, I'm sure its ORBX scenery as Doug has been saying, so there would be no benefit to install 4.5 scenery if what is floating is ORBX.

I reinstalled Australia, BASE, Vector, Migrated all.

AND STILL the problem exists.




Frustrated BRIAN

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