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X-Plane 11.32 Freezes when loading TEGB Regions

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Good evening.  I'm having trouble starting X-Plane whenever I set up a flight in any of my purchased TE regions (North, Central and South). My transaction ID for South (my first purchase) is: 5bc2a7d62fc59 . Once in a blue moon, the sim starts when loading a flight using a LR default GA aircraft. 99% of the time the sim freezes. Some of the time my PC freezes and I have to do a hard reboot.

I have disabled all other addon scenery expect Orbx airports and regions. Still won't load. I get to the main menu and choose and aircraft, then an airport and press start. It loads boats, aircraft but freezes at loading scenery. I have let it sit for an hour just to see if it would eventually work. But no, it doesn't. Please find my LOG.txt and my Scenery.ini files attached for review.

Any ideas or help would be appreciated. My PC Specs: i7-3770 12Gb, GTX1070 8Gb. BTW, it loads fine in any other region or in any Orbx airport without TEGB enabled.




Wayne Welch

scenery_packs.ini Log.txt

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If I am reading your scenery.ini correct, as well as TrueEarth GB, you also have enabled XEurope and GBPro.. These two sceneries carry out the same function as True Earth GB and all three will conflict with one another if used at the same time.

Use any one of them but not all three at once.


Kind regards


Ian S

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One thing you can do is download a Vanilla copy of Xplane using the installer program.


Then just load in the TEGB one at a time, with NO plugins, LUA etc running. If it runs over TEGB then you know it's summat else.


If Ian's suggestion above doesn't work, If t'were me, I'd do that. A hassle but will at least prove (hopefully) that it's not TEGB per se that's causing the problem through corruption etc.


Could be a long night...

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