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What file do I use to change primary KSAN runway to 27 instead of 9?

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We all know 9 ILS is used during fogged in days. But living there for years I know that 27 is used almost always. But the AI traffic and ATC insist on Runway 9 all the time. I tried changing it with the ADE file other forums mention with the latest version of Airport Design Editor. But the file I use (ADE_FTX_SCA_KSAN in FTX_NA_SCA05_SCENERY) only has half of the terminals (1 and half of terminal 2) and whatever order I put to have 27 as the sole landing designation is ignored. The scenery is awesome and I use it to bring up nostalgia but I can't get the aircraft to land that way. Even nearby Montgomery Field gives me 28L or 28R (as is usual in real life) without any mods or AFCAD addons. Am I using the wrong software, is it a not well known feature in FTX Central, or am I sniffing in the wrong rabbithole with the incorrect file?

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