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Unlimited or Locked Frames !!

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Hello guy's ,

I have a question Concerning frames !  I run Prepar3DV4.4 and If I Locked my frames at 30  ( I tried different Values but the result is the same )  ,  i get a Not Very Smooth flight , but with better Rendering Autogen and almost no blurries !

If I set them to Unlimited I get a much better Smooth flight , but in many areas I experience Autogen Rendering issues and blurries  !

I thought by Upgrading my CPU , GPU and Ram I will not have this issue anymore , but Unfortunately , I cannot get rid of it :(

What are you Opinions and Suggestions ?

Thank you  in advance ,



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Over on @Jack Sawyer's screenshot thread, I posted what happens when you lock framerates in P3D.




By locking frames, instead of trying to maintain the highest number of FPS possible, the sim assigns more processing time to build look-ahead frames through the 'Fiber Frame Time Fraction' setting, which is 0.1 in unlimited but at the default of 0.33 when frames are locked.

Have you tried to reduce you settings slightly when locking frames to give your PC more performance overhead capacity?
AI percentage, water detail, shadow quality and distance (plus the selected objects casting them), dynamic reflections, autogen and scenery draw distance, plus autogen density are the biggest hitters to performance, and exacerbated when using a complex payware airliner.
Not to mention, the texture resolution and complexity of cloud models and layers when using Active Sky or Rex SkyForce can hammer a system's resources if settings are too high. (This took me a while to realise, overcast conditions with high resolution cloud textures plus cloud shadows is a no-no for my PC).
Taking your settings down a notch or two could make a difference, but still give you more than an acceptable visual experience.

1 hour ago, Jack Sawyer said:

...I really doubt I have the time or patience to learn about FFTF, it's all ancient Mesopotamian to me.  I wish I had someone near me who could explain all this stuff to me.  I really have no idea what they're saying here,  do they advocate FOR locked frames or unlimited?  With either setting I get these exactly 10 second long pauses in P3D.  I timed them a million times, in certain areas like California or PNW I get 10 second pauses, so I sit there looking at the seconds sweep hand on my clock and wait for the ten seconds to be up.  I'm just used to it.


I think that these 'hangs' of 10 seconds or more is likely the cause of P3D looking-up the active scenery in scenery.cfg or add-on.xml files and their respective object libraries when at certain locations within the sim. There is anecdotal evidence by simmers to suggest this is the cause. Hopefully, this will be fixed with the upcoming P3D v4.5 and how the sim deals with scenery entries and libraries.

To deal with the question "do they advocate FOR locked frames or unlimited?", it's a user and system dependent answer, I'm afraid.
What you like/expect and what I like/expect from, and can achieve in, our sim will be different. I choose to lock because it works well for me.

What may benefit you both is a payware utility that varies the value of FFTF dynamically during flight. You can choose to vary the value based on the current FPS or on AGL, so that in the most demanding situations, priority is given to framerate at the expense of distant autogen, ground textures, etc. such as when landing at a detailed payware airport for instance, when the chance of stutters could ruin an approach and landing.
Conversely, ground textures, autogen, terrain loading are all given priority when away from demanding situations and you need them loaded to the best chosen quality, such as during the climb, cruise and descent phases, when you can normally see large areas.
I and others swear by it.

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You have made it more than clear F737NG ! Thank you for taking the time to explain what is going on with FFTF !

I thought by Upgrading my CPU to an i7-8700k and my GPU to an Nvidia GTX 1080ti  that it would solve my Autogen Rendering issues , but unfortunately Not !

My settings are not that high ( Or at least I think they are not ) !

I have 2 Settings : High … With higher settings in Traffic , Autogen , shadows etc …

And a Normal setting with much lower settings !  In both settings I experience exactly the same issue !

I may have to lower them more !

Thanks again ,


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I have a high end build + a RTX 2080ti on it. Trust me. it's not your machine.  hopefully P#D V4.5 will come out sooner than later.  It puts one off from flying much  with all the stuttering and whatnot. :huh:

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