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Building textures every time (FTX Regions, LC)


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Hard to describe it for me this problem but its a little annoying (and it appears very quickly).

I noticed it in P3Dv4.4 and for example in winter (here is more visible). When I fly textures rebuilds every time, very fast but it is noticeable (as You see slope textures, small parts ect.)

It exists only on FTX Regions (I have installed FTX LC North America too + FTX Global). On default part of NA is ok (LC NA + Global, not Region), I didnt notice this.


Here is the palce near Homer airport (flight to north east). You can notice that textures "are working" still what's annoying for me (not stable).

I havent idea, here I have default MESH FTX too. Any idea how to solve it?


Examples from beginning but You can notice it on 1:00, 1:55 also ect:



My settings:



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Hi YoYo,


that's the normal behavior of FSX and P3D, I'm afraid. As with most open-world simulations/games the terrain and textures in the distance are loaded as lower-resolution versions of themselves (LODs), in a series of concentric "rings" around the user aircraft. During a flight the sim will then successively load the higher-resolution terrain and textures as the plane approaches. Loading a more-detailed terrain means increasing slope gradients. Since many landclass textures automatically switch to different types at specific gradient threshold -- e.g., agriculture to forest and forest to rock -- the drawback in steeper terrain is that visible "morphing" or "popping", which is even more obvious in a snow-covered landscape. It's less of an issue with photoreal ground because the ground textures don't change (the underlying mesh can still "pop" though).


You can experiment with the mesh resolution slider; the lower the setting the less the popping because fewer LOD rings are loaded near the aircraft. Obviously, though, very low mesh settings aren't really desirable either.


It actually gets worse with higher-resolution mesh files and/or different mesh files (from different products) overlapping one another, something that is rarely discussed in the "arms race" for ever-higher mesh resolutions.


Perhaps the TEXTURE_SIZE_EXP=10 tweak in the Prepar3d.cfg file may help with the issue but it does cause very long loading times and probably also only works reliably if your PC can keep up with the demand to draw in those LOD rings.


Cheers, Holger 

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