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TE England & FTX England


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Hello folks.


Firstly, I am an avid Orbx Fan and have all Global regions and Oceania along with many Regions and All UK Airports, I am disappointed to hear that Orbx are dropping FTX, however, I think you do a fantastic job and I am excited at the photo scenery prospect, however after much snarling and grating of teeth and many hours spent, I would be obliged if it would be possible for some "Off the beaten track" questions could be answered please.


My System Spec is in the first post here if you need to see it.


Apologies if these have been asked elsewhere, appreciate then if you could point me in the right direction to see the answers.


P3D has inherited the ability to display 5 Season scenery, which is a major thing with FTX, I love seeing the seasons change on the Flight Sim as the year passes by.


So are seasonal changes planned to be incorporated in to the True Earth photoreal scenery? I understand it is just a matter of photoshop work to change the look of the base terrain to look like other seasons. (I did build a little scenery a farm on the A5 in Ogwen, its where I go camping :))


Unfortunately, even using JV's suggested settings on a clean set of config files, FTX Central Forced Migration etc... I cannot get True Earth England to work properly, bluries, stutters, where in FTX England, I can be maxed out and its as smooth as silk. (As described here in)


So in this day and age of file size not being much of an issue to some, I still wonder why the 29 or so 3DM files total 12.2Gb alone without the rest of the TE files, I am picking on these because these are specifically the files that I have identified which are causing problems for me ( Re my post here ) and this post here


Worryingly the total sum of all my Orbx scenery is 194.4 Gb  and the four folders alone for TE England are almost 1/3rd the size at 69.3Gb - just 1 season in 4 folders? 


I am not a scenery designer by any stretch of the imagination, I am not illiterate as far as computers are concerned either, is it not a fact that file load time is proportional to file size? So please reassure me that for example FTX_GBS_3DM_p52m003.BGL which weighs in at a hefty 883,947kb (863Mb) by it self, is conducive to a  fast system, even with the 6% fix promised by LM in P3Dv4.5


By the way, as a matter of interest, is the Orbx 3D Models referred to on this web site anything to do with our Orbx scenery?


In Fig 1 FTX England max slider settings. Buckingham Palace and the Mall are displayed, nice and crisp proper grey roads from Vector and FTX correctly portrays the coloured buildings north (ish) of Trafalgar Square. Although density is set to max there are many areas not covered by 3D models. Clearly the detail radius is smaller than in Fig 2..


Fig 2 True Earth England JV Slider Settings, is almost the same scene, but one can see The Mall is Green (supposed to be light red in real life) as is the roundabout in front of Buck House, sadly this is typical of my experience of both roads and railways across England with TE, Vector is selected and should be displayed....  Why are the roads and railways green or have a definite green hue.


Having experimented, I think the 3DM files display large amounts of ordinary housing, because it was all that I could see that was missing when I disable the 3DM files.


However with the 3DM files disabled the only land marks I could find missing is the VRP north West of London City, namely the 3 gasometers, without the 3DM files every building folk go to London to see is there... 


Is it possible to use the FTX ordinary housing to replace the 3DM ordinary housing files, to be honest, I think they are just as good if not better as the 3DM models.


Fig 1 - Below is from FTX England




Fig 2 Below is from True Earth England with JV Settings





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Thanks for the reply Nick.


As I have mentioned in another post, searching the www for information is, sadly, not one of my strong points, so I am pleased to read the post you have indicated and am very grateful to you for pointing me in that direction. I might just have found it if I was any good at knowing what to look for when searching!


What exactly do you mean by "seems rehetorical" ? Google definition = "asked in order to produce an effect or to make a statement rather than to elicit information."


You will be correct if you mean to elicit information, I am genuinely interested in finding out the answers to my questions, which are in a nut shell listed below. 


1) The Seasons  covered, many thanks..

2) Why are the 3DM files so large?

3) How can just 1 scenery bgl file of 863Mb and many other files of similar size, be conducive to a fast loading system? I am interested, how can it?

4) Why are the roads and railways green or have a definite green hue.? (despite the use of Vector, may be I have an issue I am unaware of?)

5) Is it possible to use the FTX ordinary housing to replace the 3DM ordinary housing files?

6) Is this web site that mentions Orbex 3D Models anything to do with Orbx Systems?


My questions are based on the fact that the 3DM housing is causing problems for me at least; and it seems like a backward step to implement such huge files just for common housing files, but then again I do not know and I would like to know. I expected the main city sights and attractions to have been 3DM, but they are not as far as I can tell. 


For the record, I do not have time to waste on trying to produce an effect or make statements, especially with the supplier of my "hobby" scenery, I trust Orbx is going to do what is best, it has never let me down, even produced a one of patch when I wanted to recreate Ray Hannas flight along the straight at the Goodwood revival. That was impressive customer service.


I am one of those mentioned by JV that do not used the forums. But I have a problem now and questions that I am interested in having answers to, after all I have spent my hard earned money and the fee for the foreign currency transaction. 


Thanks again Nick. please make a mental note of me and rest assured, If I pipe up on the forums, I am genuinely interested in trying to help and know more..


All the best




I also wanted to know why some of the files in TE England do not appear to be  as accurate as those found in FTX? 

two instances I have noticed are the FTX England files mentioned above and along the Mall are more in keeping with the real thing, Why?

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17 hours ago, Ace-9 said:

I am disappointed to hear that Orbx are dropping FTX

Orbx are not dropping FTX, they are producing some products that FSX will not run.

Unfortunately, even using JV's suggested settings on a clean set of config files, FTX Central Forced Migration etc... I cannot get True Earth England to work properly, bluries, stutters, where in FTX England, I can be maxed out and its as smooth as silk. (As described here in)

This is not a question

I still wonder why the 29 or so 3DM files total 12.2Gb alone without the rest of the TE files, I am picking on these because these are specifically the files that I have identified which are causing problems for me ( Re my post here ) and this post here

Also this is an assertion, not a question.

Worryingly the total sum of all my Orbx scenery is 194.4 Gb  and the four folders alone for TE England are almost 1/3rd the size at 69.3Gb - just 1 season in 4 folders? 

Again, there is no question

is it not a fact that file load time is proportional to file size? So please reassure me that for example FTX_GBS_3DM_p52m003.BGL which weighs in at a hefty 883,947kb (863Mb) by it self, is conducive to a  fast system, even with the 6% fix promised by LM in P3Dv4.5

Another assertion that you are inviting a challenge to.

By the way, as a matter of interest, is the Orbx 3D Models referred to on this web site anything to do with our Orbx scenery?

I have no idea

Having experimented, I think the 3DM files display large amounts of ordinary housing, because it was all that I could see that was missing when I disable the 3DM files.

However with the 3DM files disabled the only land marks I could find missing is the VRP north West of London City, namely the 3 gasometers, without the 3DM files every building folk go to London to see is there... 

Another statement.

Is it possible to use the FTX ordinary housing to replace the 3DM ordinary housing files, to be honest, I think they are just as good if not better as the 3DM models.

I think not.



since you asked, "is it not a fact that" is the very definition of a rhetorical question.


Here are your new questions.


1) The Seasons  covered, many thanks..

2) Why are the 3DM files so large?

Because they contain large amounts of data.

3) How can just 1 scenery bgl file of 863Mb and many other files of similar size, be conducive to a fast loading system? I am interested, how can it?

I have no idea but I wonder why you would think one file of 863 MB would be more difficult to load than several amaller files with the same total size?

4) Why are the roads and railways green or have a definite green hue.? (despite the use of Vector, may be I have an issue I am unaware of?)

The scenery has been colour corrected. There are numerous products, both freeware and payware that can vary the colours in P3D, not to mention its own settings.

5) Is it possible to use the FTX ordinary housing to replace the 3DM ordinary housing files?

Anything is possible but I doubt that this will be happening, at least not soon.

6) Is this web site that mentions Orbex 3D Models anything to do with Orbx Systems?

I have no idea.

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Thanks for your time Nick.


I concede and  apologize if my discussion topic appeared rhetorical to you, I guess you see a lot of that..


1) The Seasons  covered, many thanks..

2) Why are the 3DM files so large?

Because they contain large amounts of data

Clearly, but for ordinary housing - I do not understand why large data files, particularly as these 3D models seem to be reproduced in various locations..

3) How can just 1 scenery bgl file of 863Mb and many other files of similar size, be conducive to a fast loading system? I am interested, how can it?

I have no idea but I wonder why you would think one file of 863 MB would be more difficult to load than several amaller files with the same total size?

Because this is the largest file in the folder, didn't see any point mentioning all of them.

4) Why are the roads and railways green or have a definite green hue.? (despite the use of Vector, may be I have an issue I am unaware of?)

The scenery has been colour corrected. There are numerous products, both freeware and payware that can vary the colours in P3D, not to mention its own settings.

Is there a way I can get the roads and railways to display correctly and verify that Vector is sitting on top?

5) Is it possible to use the FTX ordinary housing to replace the 3DM ordinary housing files?

Anything is possible but I doubt that this will be happening, at least not soon.

Personally I would be happy to see this because of the reality that seems to be missing. I am not a big tin simmer, Helios and GA, Low and slow.. So eye candy is relatively important as are VRPs. But in reality I am happy with what Orbex produces and look forward to the teething problems being solved.

6) Is this web site that mentions Orbex 3D Models anything to do with Orbx Systems?

I have no idea.

Strange, but I assume then Orbx being a registered trade mark, it must be..


Many Thanks


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