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KSUX is missing

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I've stumbled across an error in the NA and SA Freeware airports package.  Sioux Gateway airport is mislabeled KSUZ in this freeware airport package.  KSUZ is in Arkansas, while  Sioux Gateway, KSUX, is located in Iowa.  Furthermore, KSUZ is correctly entered in the FTX Global Freeware Airports NA and SA pdf document, but there is no entry for KSUX, the airport in Iowa.  The omission of KSUX from the Global Freeware airports package has goofed up the entry for Sioux Gateway airport in Little Nav Map, which has not identified KSUX as an Addon airport, but merely an ordinary, "non addon" airport.  Most confusing, to say the least.  Thought I would point this out, since the error showed up while I was planning a trip in the area and there was no "KSUX", although the airport itself is correctly placed on the map and identified as "KSUZ".

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Hi Stewart,


I'm not 100% sure on this one as my FTX freeware NA/SA airports have not been updated in some time. Omissions are always possible though I would be surprised that earlier FTX Freeware BGL CVX OBJ for KSUZ were omitted from later editions. Though I can with the earlier set, find and load both KSUX and KSUZ. 

In my FSX setup,  KSUX - Sioux Gateway - Bud Day Field - Sioux City - Iowa, is listed as a "Stock FSX airfield" as searched using ADE, while KSUZ - Saline County Regional - Benton - Arkansas, is listed as a FTXG Freeware airfield.

If you have ADE, use the Open stock search KSUX, and the Open bgl search KSUZ, to locate each airfield, KSUZ .bgl should be found in ...\ORBX\FTX_GLOBAL\FTX_FTXG_AIRPORTS\Scenery.

If you select from your sim's "Select Airport" list, they can both be found together by typing "KSU" into the ICAO ID: box. (See pic below)


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Hi, Jeff.  I'm running P3D, and yes, the sim sees both airports.  I'll have to look into this again, but Little Nav Map misidentified the Sioux City airport as KSUZ, and it get its information from the sim's library of airports.  It's also possible that the KMZ file that I've loaded into LNM mislabeled the airport and that could be the cause of the error.  I will look again at that file, because I've changed the ICAO code in the KMZ file so that LNM correctly identifies it.  Somewhere along the line Sioux City airport's ICAO code was mislabeled as KSUZ.




Edit to add:  Jeff, notice KSUX does not show up here in this compilation of Orbx payware and freeware products.  This is probably because the guy who put this together used the Freeware PDF document as his source and that doc doesn't have KSUX listed.  But it is a freeware airport, simply mislabeled as KSUZ.




BTW, the Sioux City airport was included in Freeware Pack 15.


I just visited both KSUX and KSUZ, and KSUZ is definitely an Orbx-quality freeware airport.  KSUX is not, and should *not* be listed in Freeware Pack 15 as a freeware airport, even though it is erroneously identified as Sioux City Gateway, KSUZ.

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Hi Stewart,


I like a good mystery, you are quite correct, some mislabelling  but as far as I can tell only in the  PDF & text. Indeed the first appearance of Saline Benton KSUZ  ICAO as done by the now deceased Niel Hill appeared in (Pack 15),  identified wrongly as KSUX, Sioux Gateway Col. Bud Day Field, Sioux City, AR  (new in FSX). Should have been Identified as KSUZ - Saline Benton Arkansas as noted in the DL when files installed, search in your Orbx installation folder. The issue becomes more apparent as you read the lists in the form of pdf's and xls user produced spreadsheets for the updates that followed, they are conflicting in some and then confirming the right names and ICAO's in others.

I have looked through these lists in my downloads Pack 15 through to Pack 27 it clearly shows that while the KSUZ airport was given the Niel Hill magic, KSUX was never given Niel's magic, only that KSUX was indeed miss-labelled, miss-named in the original announcement post & DL text, and therefore remains a (default Stock) airfield with the wrong name (KSUX -Sioux Gateway Col. Bud Day Field, Sioux City, AR  (new in FSX) ->> KSUZ - Saline Benton Arkansas).
In the updated PDF KSUZ is listed correctly as KSUZ Saline Benton Arkansas, in the download list Pack15 it is incorrectly ID'ed as KSUZ Bud Day Field Sioux City Iowa, and also in a xls file it is named KSUX Saline Benton Arkansas. I think you can safely say Niel's FTX KSUZ in Arkansas is correct and the stock KSUX in Iowa is correct. 

Even more interesting is the airfield so named KSUZ is named correctly for the Saline Benton Arkansas airfield, there was never a Niel Hill FTXG Freeware remodel for KSUX Bud Day Field Sioux City Iowa as it remains in a stock default state.


Though as long as you have KSUZ Saline Benton bgl cvx obj listed in your Global freeware folder and the stock KSUX Sioux City Iowa airfield in the stock scenery\0202\scenery\APX22160.bgl   little nav map database should find both these ICAO ID's,
incidently I use FSC9 (FlightSimCommander9) for a similar mapping tracking and flightplanning, which requires the database to be rerun from time to time when ever I add a new or updated airfield, maybe LNM is the same.



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Hi, Jeff.  Thanks for your comments and I agree 100%.  Planning that trip, as I mentioned above, really goofed me up, seeing KSUZ there in Iowa.  I'm going to uncheck that entry in Pack 15 so that it doesn't show up in the KMZ file in Google Earth, which I use along with LNM, to plan low and slow GA flights.


You are also correct that LNM finds both KSUZ Saline Benton and KSUX Sioux City, as does SimStarter NG, which is how I discovered the error in the first place.  The two programs were showing correctly the two airports, but Google Earth, because I have it displaying the Freeware Airports using the KMZ files, displayed the incorrect label for Sioux City.  I will fix that by unchecking KSUZ Sioux City in the Pack 15 KMZ file.


Yes, LNM and SimStarter both need their data bases to be updated whenever I add a new airport.


I'm glad you stepped in to help with this--I didn't realize Niel had done KSUZ, and I was waiting for whoever developed the airport to respond.  So I think we've answered the problem.  Thanks again.



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You're welcome Stewart,


Yes Neil did KSUZ Saline and many thousands of enhanced airfields as an Orbx developer. Neil's contribution to Orbx is difficult to quantify, his contributions were and are prolific, one might say he had the (Orbx look and feel when it comes to simple improvements to better enhance our sim enjoyment). It is difficult to express the actual scale of all his efforts, he was a very modest man who loved sharing his work under the Orbx umbrella, there are just too many projects in FTX region's & freeware to name individually, his loss to this community will be noticed. He was always willing to engage where ever enhancements could be made, hence the scale of the Global freeware Airfields. We can forgive a miniscule fraction of errors like KSUX / KSUZ when looking at the bigger picture or scale of his work.

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