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True Earth GB & FTX EU England for P3D v4


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Hi everyone 


Apologies in advance if this has already been raised but .... if I already use FTX EU England and want to install the newly released True Earth GB South is it just a case of installing it over the top of EU England and then is it possible to switch between both whenever I fancy? 





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I'd like to know too. The first post "switch between" is not clear for me. I use SceneryConfigurator where I deactivate or activate needed sceneries. Can I have both of them (TE and FTX England/Wales) active, so, if I'm leaving the TE area in north-direction being in FTX England/Scotland automatically?



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Thanks Nick!

The two checkboxes in the configurator: do I have to tick them (it is recommended to do so if I have FTX England and Wales installed)? I don't know exactly what will be supressed if I tick these boxes. And if I tick them: how will England and Wales are looking like after I leaving TE?



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