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how to activate orbx global trees?


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It might sound silly but I don't know how to activate ORBX global trees HD in P3Dv4.4.

Just installed  it with ORBX but can't see a difference.

Looked for files and found folders in "scripts"?

I have installed P3Dv4.4 not on C-drive, any suggestions?

Thank you,


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Yes I have unchecked the Dyn 3D vegetation. Do I have to create a scenery folder for ORBX Autogen new?

The Orbx Autogen new sits in a subfolder "scripts" of ORBX folder within P3D, I'm not sure that this will be recognized by the FS.



I tested now to check the Dyn. 3D veg. and after reset I got the unrealistic light green colored trees of it. I unchecked Dyn. trees again and the light green of the "speed trees" disappeared but the quality of the default (?) or ORBX trees didn't improve. It does not appear as the ORBX scenery photos of the HD trees at all. In close view the trees show still the default 4sided form.

ORBX installed the trees automaticly but I'm not sure that this is done right. Can you tell me where and what kind of files or folders of the HD trees have to be positined within  P3Dv4.4? It is a bit frustrating and is probably easily fixed - if I would know whre to start.

Appreciate any hint to solve the problem.

Thanks, Bernd

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Hi Bernd,


If FTX Central shows HD Trees as installed (under global section) and, as you said, you have the Dyn. 3d veg. unchecked then you will probably need to wait for someone to respond to your post (which I saw) in the payware support forums.  In  the Scripts folder, I have a FTXTreesHD folder in place which I assume you have too.  There is nothing else for the user  to do to enable trees, it should be automatic.   Sorry I can't be of more help.    



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