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This update is very welcomed, awesome stuff with moving jetways and SODE.


Though I have to say the ESSA update is a bit of a disappointment. 


What I found after the update is that the ground textures is way too bright grey compared to real life, this color of the texture was much better presented in the previous version. 

The numbers on the jetways/gates have now disappeared. The yellow sign/black number on the classic red gates on Terminal 5 (Previously white numbers only, but they changed it 2-3 years ago if im not mistaken, I think it was because snow made it hard to see them) and the orange numbers on Terminal 2, also the yellow numbers on the domestic terminal 4 and some stand signs on the light poles of terminal 3.


The closed taxiway between X2 and X3 (Doesn't know what it was previously called) at the start of runway 08 does not even exist anymore. It has been completely removed. It`s just soil/grass there which will eventually grow out green and blend in with the surrounding grass. 

There are no approach lights presented at the end of runway 08 going beyond the little "hill", if you will. Which are visibly presented in the charts, and even noticeable on recent satellite pictures. 


On all runway ends except 19L, there are "yellow arrows"  marking the start of the runway. These are pretty recently painted I guess but have been well presented for the past year or two.                                                                                 

The runway markings on Arlanda are striped filled, as the threshold presents in the scenery and not fully painted.

Along with some taxi lines that could be fixed looking at charts and the latest satellite imagery.


I really think this should have been taken in account for such an expensive airport, regarding that you also require the ORBX Global Base package to run it. 

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Sorry to hear you are disappointed.

The asphalt was made brighter due to it being to dark earlier, which is easy to spot in google earth or similar. Also I've recieved lots of comments over the years regarding the color so I simply listened to - you, the customers.

SODE jetways does not support gate numbers in its original mode, but needs to be tweaked and as far as I know only a few developers have ever managed to do this and that was in direct assistance of the guy behind SODE himself.

We do not own the latest satellite imagery, there are even whole new parking areas not added as this would add lots of extra work and redo the whole ground work, plus obtaining new imagery. This is an update. A free update.

No we didnt change all lines to what they look like today, and no we did not remove stuff that was even inactive in last version. 


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