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Hi Folks


regarding the future i like to buy and install few more ORBX products. Unfortunately i‘m using FSX + AccelerationP with few German Airports and Landclass Germany North and South from ORBX.


In relation of all artful settings, few HP Aircrafts PMDG737 can not be used due to less VSpace. If i gonna deactivate North & South it’s gonna be flyable with less Performance. 


Also few ORBX Airports cannot be configured via FTX. Level/Alt Profile issue.


Therefore it’s nice to get all the new ORBX Software advertising via email, if all this cannot be used. Make no sense.


High Performance PC Hardware can be guaranteed. Also i know that - that this are low Information about to fix it.


But by the Way, maybe there are existing standart settings for check up and proof.


Otherwise it make no sense to disable already bought ORBX Software or to buy in future.


Thanks, appreciate it



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Hello Max, welcome to the forums.

With FSX as a 32bit programme you will suffer with VAS problems, especially using hungry aircraft like PMDG737, the default aircraft are a lot lighter.

You do not say what the specs are on your PC.

This should help you as your scenery is Germany, it also shows recommended settings.

FTX Global openLC Europe User Guide.pdfFTX Global openLC Europe User Guide.pdf

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thx for your fast respond. indeed it’s true if we talking about 32bit and VAS an HP Aircraft. My settings, yep, i know these are not mentioned, but at present the system is under construction and it‘ll take a little bit time to get on with. 


Thank you also for the advice about settings. 


At next i‘ll try that way and get back with precise settings and issues ASAP.


thanks, appreciate it


best regards


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