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Hi. Right I have just installed the latest update and it’s mucked up my ini file. I had the True Earth South and Central plus all Airports apart from Stapleford. Could some one who has the same show me their ini file. I have done the Central and South and got them in the right order ala A, B , C., but am still getting generic Xplane buildings on the Airports well Goodwood anyway. Haven’t got round to looking at the others yet. One question can you save your ini file when it’s ok and then if you have problems delete that one and stick the saved one in. Thanks Derek.

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8 hours ago, Dadtom65 said:

Hi. Right I have just installed the latest update and it’s mucked up my ini file. I had the True Earth South and Central plus all Airports apart from Stapleford. Could some one who has the same show me their ini file. I have done the Central and South and got them in the right order ala A, B , C., but am still getting generic Xplane buildings on the Airports well Goodwood anyway. Haven’t got round to looking at the others yet. One question can you save your ini file when it’s ok and then if you have problems delete that one and stick the saved one in. Thanks Derek.


 Cos you are a really nice guy, I will look and modify your ini if you attach it:D  I am on the latest RC3 version. You will find that each update will probably affect your ini so yes you can save a copy of your pre update version and then just place it/overwrite the new one. No problem.

If you don't want to submit your new ini then just follow the basic rules of layering:

Custom airports

Global airports 

Sceneries like city scapes/X europe etc

Libraries (they can go anywhere but i tend to group them all together}

Ortho photo scenery if any


Regarding Orbx in the ini, here is a working section of my ini:


SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Global Airports/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/X-Plane Landmarks - London/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_0_GB_South_TrueEarth_Exclusions/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Custom/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_GB_South_TrueEarth_Custom/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Overlay/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_B_GB_South_TrueEarth_Overlay/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_Central_TrueEarth_Orthos/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Orbx_C_GB_South_TrueEarth_Orthos/

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Hi jjaycee1 thanks for your help but I haven’t got a clue how to send my ini file to you. Can do some things on a comp and not others. Does it say anywhere on Orbx how to do that, had a quick look but could not find anything. Actually might have a go as know how to move stuff in the file. Thanks if I need help will get back to you. Derek.

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Just a tip for you.  I tend to prefix some addons like airports, cities and libraries. Prefixing allows the XP alphabetic layering format to work a bit better.

To attach your ini, open your XP/Custom Scenery, find the ini and drag it to the bottom of your reply/post here on this form. If you reply to this post at the bottom of the screen where you are writing, there is a pic of a paperclip and " Drag files here to attach or Choose file" message. 

For example from my ini

Airport- as in

 SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGAA tdg/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGAC Belfast New/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Airport-EGBS_Scenery_Pack/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGFH tdg/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGGW tdg/
SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Airport-EGHQ - Patched/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGJB no static tdg/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGJJ xp11 tdg/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGKK tdg no static/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGLC (nostatic)/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGNM xp11 tdg/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGNV xp11 tdg/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGOV RAF Valley/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Airport-EGPH xp11 tdg/

Cities/scapes with a C space as in

SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\C Auckland/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\C Calgary/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\C Columbus/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\C Denver/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\C Miami/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\C Milwaukee/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\C Montreal/

 And finally  for libraries I use Library- as in

SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-1_Swisscreations_oggetti/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-3D_people_library/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-ADSparks_Library/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-CCVA022_Object_Library/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-CDB-Library/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-cemetery/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-Europe_Library/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-Europe_RoadTraffic/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-ff_library/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-ff_library_extended_LOD/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-FJS_Scenery_Library_v1.7/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-flags_of_the_world/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-flags_of_USA_states/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-FlyAgi_Vegetation/
SCENERY_PACK E:\XP11 scenery\Library-Flyby_Planes/

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Don’t know if it’s me but just been trying to get a copy of my ini file, but it won’t paste. Right it’s in the custom scenery file, that’s the ini file yes. It’s a mess. I go to the top of the ini file left click mouse hold and go down it turns blue. Right click the the blue bit , select copy but I can not get it to paste into a folder I have ready. What am I doing wrong please. Also just noticed I don’t have the True Earth south exclusions that you have. Derek.

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Forget about the TE Exclusions, they were removed for download by Orbx pending the resolution of the exclusions problem via the upcoming SP1 for TE South.

Click on Choose file. It will then open a box for you to locate your XP11 folder and then open your Custom Scenery folder. When you find ini click on it and it will show up under the lower box of File Name. Click on Open and it will attach it your post/reply.

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Hi jjaycee1 that worked great thank you so much I can not thank you enough. Now I must make sure I get a copy of it in case for future use. Sorry took awhile but we have our grandson here and he’s three and a half years old and full on, I think a bit hyperactive if you ask me but he’s our first grandson and we love him to bits. Thanks again Derek.

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You are welcome. Any time. Just make a copy to reinstall when you want. Just remember addons always end up at the top of the ini when installed, so for 3rd party airports that is great because that is where they belong. However for all other addons (non airport) also end up on top of the ini and that is when you need readjust things in the ini following the layer structure I put in my post earlier. You can PM me anytime if you require any help.

 Now go and play chase around the house with the young'un til he falls asleep ! Then you can XPlane.

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Thank you, George fall asleep you are joking he fights it all the time, you can see hes knackered but not him then as soon as his dad puts him in his car to take him back home he's asleep before he gets to the end of the road. Its us that fall asleep. :lol: Cheer's Derek.

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