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Losing focus and detail


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Check your "TEXTURE_BANDWIDTH_MULT" entry in your fsx.cfg/Prepar3D.cfg.  I had similar problems with default P3D and it turned out raising the value solved the problem.  Assuming it's the same problem, setting it to 150 fixed it for me.


Another thing that was causing me problems in P3D was having an affinity mask set.

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Sabretooth - thanks. I checked the texture bandwidth setting - it is currently at 160. I am operating FSX/SE


Stewart - thanks. Are you talking about graphics card?  I have an AMD Radeon HD 7700 I think with 800MHz core clock and 1 GB 4.5 GHz GDDR5 memory clock. So, you think I need a new card? Any recommendation?

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6 hours ago, bredtsim said:

Stewart - thanks. Are you talking about graphics card?  I have an AMD Radeon HD 7700 I think with 800MHz core clock and 1 GB 4.5 GHz GDDR5 memory clock. So, you think I need a new card? Any recommendation?

Sorry, I don't know much about Radeon graphics cards, but 1 GB of video card memory is hardly enough to run any current day flight sim.  Any more these days, 4GB is a bare minimum, 6 GB or more even better.



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