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Strange black sqares

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I saw a few black texture or missing texture. The first one in Monterrey - MMMY and the second one in Costarica - MROC. These appear regardless of the season that I have. I have reinstalled all the products but they keep appearing. Have you find a solution?





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I just verify files but did not work.

I Fixed it as follows:

1.- I removed the file terrain.cfg.
2.- I opened P3D in order to get a new .cfg file.
3.- Then i Opened FTX and verified files, i started with Global then Vector and the last OpenLC NA.


Now i dont have more black texture.



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  • 1 year later...

Just to follow up on this, I was just experiencing the same around MROC and "verify files" wasn't enough.  I followed what @Alox posted above (except I didn't verify Vector) and it worked like a charm.  Clearly there's some corruption going on in terrain.cfg that Central isn't picking up on - of course good luck finding the culprit!

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