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Remember VOZ?


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Whilst waiting for some Orbx DL's to complete I was just browsing the net and remembered VOZ so I looked it up.. Folks, do you realise that JV has been dedicated to simming and producing the best possible scenery for the Sim since late 1995? Well done old mate..and congratulations.. Terry.


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49 minutes ago, teecee said:

Whilst waiting for some Orbx DL's to complete I was just browsing the net and remembered VOZ so I looked it up.. Folks, do you realise that JV has been dedicated to simming and producing the best possible scenery for the Sim since late 1995? Well done old mate..and congratulations.. Terry.


I feel this is a timely post. JV is a giant in flight simulation and consistently pushes the envelope. There's just no question that I wouldn't be anywhere near as invested in this hobby without his continuing pioneering spirit. Many thanks.

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I do remember VOZ so well, aprt from the brilliant FREE improvement to FS9, the forum was such a helpful and enjoyable place and I enjoyed being a "Bloody Legend":lol: but the true legends were JV and the other wizards who worked with him, many of whom still do - here's to all of you people cheers!

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I well remember VOZ I used to try and to download it with a company called Compuserve  a dial up internet thingie. Never succesfull.  I read some people bemoaning the price of scenery at todays prices I still have my disc for Austrailia (Before the modern day Internet) and it cost me £85 00 posted to the UK. Oh those were the days!.

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