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Missing Street Lights


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I keep running into an issue where certain types of street lights just stop appearing. I don't know if it's a landclass issue or what, but I can see motorway lights and primary roads, but nothing beyond that really. I have attempted reinstalling Global, Vector, and LC multiple times. This hasn't fixed it. I've tried different configurations with the Vector settings and the lights configurator and those have not helped. I've cleared shaders, deleted terrain.cfg, scenery.cfg, and no luck. I'm at a loss.


This is what I had before the issue. 

And this is what's going on now. (default shaders, of course)


I cannot seem to find a way to get the full lighting effect back.


Happy new year.



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Go the other way. Systematically disable Vector, etc to find out which one is the culprit. How to disable them, don't know as you can only uninstall them in their configuration settings.

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I've tried disabling and re-enabling various combinations of things and cannot get those lights back. I've disabled all the addon scenery I have installed and I'm basically working with a bare P3D installation and the Orbx global products.


This doesn't seem to be a common problem either, as I cannot find anything, anywhere, about somebody else having the same problem. This is the second time it's happened to me and so far the only cure has been to wipe everything related to the sim and reinstall.

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Hi there,


we're placing three different types of lights: (1) major lit roadways for long-distance visibility, which use light objects placed on narrow strips of (orange) photoreal ground; (2) main urban roads, which place lights as so-called vector autogen; and (3) miscellaneous lights at intersections, on parking lots, and near buildings, etc. placed as landclass autogen.


From your screenshot it looks like you're missing the third type, which are technically autogen trees. Do you have your vegetation autogen slider turned off? Also, since those custom lights are added to the default autogen definition files our version needs to be active for them to display. FTX Central checks for this at each start-up but perhaps you have third-party autogen definition files active that prevent this?


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks for briefly breaking down the way lighting is injected. This has helped me to get a better understanding of what's going on. And yes, I have vegetation on and turned up quite high, so it's not that.


I was beginning to wonder if it had something to do with autogen, as the issue seems to only pop up after installing and configuring scenery that uses the autogenconfigurationmerger exe file, and it is only affecting lights that normally appear within a certain radius. I have multiple addons that rely on that exe, but maybe something is not working or configured properly. However, shouldn't running FTX Central before starting the sim take care of any issues autogenconfig may have created? Also, is it possible to simply refresh everything by deleting the default.xml file in the autogen folder and restarting FTX Central? I have to admit, I don't have a very good handle on how that system works beyond what I've read in the autogenconfigurationmerger manual. 


Will still need to pinpoint exactly what the issue is, but after seeing your breakdown I'm pretty convinced it's related to autogen. Maybe I'll head over to FSDeveloper and see if I can find any advice there.


Thank you.


Just to update, it appears that ACM is not really necessary anymore in P3D 4.4, as LM has implemented support for multiple definition files. Using the XML method of adding scenery, the autogen can simply be attached as a component. I'm going to see how this works on a fresh P3D install and iBlueYonder's Nantucket scenery.

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Reporting back on this in case anyone ever has a similar issue.


I backed up a working P3D autogen folder (with Orbx additions) then I disabled all of my addon scenery and went through, one by one, enabling any addons that come with custom autogen. JustSim's autogen library is the only one that causes me to lose vegetation based lighting globally, even with ACM disabled in the exe.xml file. For some reason, their definitions seem to conflict with Orbx on a global level. This is with their latest version of the libraries, as far as I can tell. I will investigate more to see if there's a fix or if I'm just doing something wrong.


The strange thing is that running FTX central before launching P3D does not fix the issue, even though it definitely modifies the autogen files. JustSim's library somehow overrides any changes FTX makes, but the library also sits higher in my list of addons, so maybe that's the issue. 


Please consider this issue resolved.

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