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Global product range and GEX + UTX


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Hi all, As indicated by my previous post, I'm glad to be back in the FS cockpit again after many years away. Previously, and before Orbx had developed the full range of Global products that now exist, in addition to my growing collection of Orbx products, I used to use two products to enhance the experience:  Ground Environment X (to replace the default set of base textures), and Ultimate Terrain X (replacement & supplement of default textures for roads, coastlines, waterways, railroads, etc.). Now that there exists the nifty Orbx comprehensive Global range, am I correct in assuming that the Global Base, Global Vector and Global openLC products better accomplish these same tasks when used in combination, and that they therefore render Ground Env. & Ult. Terrain redundant? Or are there still things that GE & UTX accomplish that the combination of Global Base + Global Vector + Global openLC does not? Thanks much! Russ

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Thanks Nick, I wasn't looking for a critique... simply for an understanding of what each combined set of products accomplishes. I now own both sets (Orbx and Flight 1), one set for 10 hours, and the other set for 10 years, therefore critiques would be useless to me anyway. I simply wanted to understand if using *both* sets made any sense. Your first sentence provided all the information that I needed. Respectfully though, your second sentence was gratuitous. But thank you, both of you, my question has now been answered.

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Hello Russ,


If you did not wish to have the "gratuitous" second part of my answer then this question did not need to be asked.



Or are there still things that GE & UTX accomplish that the combination of Global Base + Global Vector + Global openLC does not?


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Thank you, Nick. As I am unfamiliar with all the many things that he Orbx product range accomplishes, my question simply had to do with the intended tasks of each. I know what the intended tasks of the F1 products are, but I was still ignorant as to all the benefits and intended tasks of the Orbx global range (a set of products new since I stopped flying some 7 years ago). I did not intend to, and I apologize if I inadvertently did, create a comparison; I simply wished to better understand the relationship of each, or the relationship of each when used in combination with one another, whether used in concert or not. I simply wished to know if it made sense to use both sets of products. I do not know how else I could have asked the question to understand if intended functions overlapped or if they did not. This was a question founded in my FSX rust and in my ignorance of the wonderful, new range of Orbx global products. I am trying to bring myself up to speed as quickly as I can in order that I need not ask such honest (meaning: lacking in other motives or comparative agenda) questions... I have been away for so long, and I am simply trying to understand how all the pieces work & fit together again, as I once did years ago. (Holger can attest to the understanding I once had of the intricasies of FSX's mechanics by remembering forum conversations he, I (Rusty flyer) and others had with respect to Tongass Fjords and mesh influences.) FSX is like a language: if it is not used, the skills deteriorate & evaporate fairly dramatically. Again, I am trying to get myself back up to speed, and sometimes the process of 're-learning' concepts with with I was once very, very familiar hits some road bumps. I read your great and comprehensive post regarding creating Symbolic Links, and have done so with the Orbx folder destination in my FSX root directory. Btw, thanks tons for that very, very informative post; the process went very smoothly!

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