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New Direct X end-user redistributable and SDK are out.

Iain Emms

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From Guru3D eh  well I wouldn't do anything !! The last official SDK Runtime release was in August Last year with a runtime update in November.  The files on the Guru3D site are likely to be modified run time files and until I see a full official release from Microsoft and then the I might consider the modified version from Guru3D.

I'd exercise caution

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From Guru3D eh  well I wouldn't do anything !! The last official SDK Runtime release was in August Last year with a runtime update in November.  The files on the Guru3D site are likely to be modified run time files and until I see a full official release from Microsoft and then the I might consider the modified version from Guru3D.

I'd exercise caution

To help you put to rest your fears, here's the direct link at Microsoft.


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I've been using 'Guru3D' for donkeys years, and apart from files on the 'modified' driver forum, they do not alter or modify the files on the main download page.  They have repackaged very large files at times using 7Zip to make them more manageable, nothing more.

I have not had a single issue with literally hundreds of driver and app downloads.... Guru3D = a decent and highly trustworthy site  :)

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I have also used many files from Guru3D  I was urging caution as I had not seen anything on the MSTechnet Forums regarding the release of new runtimes.

Yes the team at Guru3D do modify the files to improve them. I seriously doubt that 7zip is any better than winzip or winrar for file compression either.

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Guest J van E

I didn't expect a change in performance: that's why I 'asked'. I was being sarcastic, not serious. :P I just was wondering why everyone got so excited about a new DX-version when everyone knows FSX won't benefit from it at all.

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Hey gentlemen, this is Hilbert, owner of Guru3D.com

I got pointed here by a concerned Guru3D forum member. I do tend to take somewhat unfounded and weird  accusations serious. Ignorance is bliss.

We do NOT tamper with files -- I mean gosh why would we do that in the first place ? All files are virus-checked before placed on our servers, and then posted on-line as original. Sometimes we do re-archive a .zip file to .7zip. When properly configured compression with 7zip simply is better which saves on download time and our expensive download bandwidth. In some scenarios this can save 40% or more in compression and your download time.

That's it really ... So Maurice -- next time please don't blatantly make accusations as you do create a stigma with this, we do not deserve that at all. Give 7zip a test run and tryout for yourself, you might even start to like it.

Hope this takes away any concerns, and as far as the new DirectX redistributable is going, we're linking that one straight from Microsoft. The download really can't be more official than that.

Thanks !

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Hello Hilbert,

Welcome to our forums and thank you for your explanation, for the record, let me say that Maurice hasn't any ill intent towards you or your work, he is more concerned about altered/repackaged files and was probably not correctly informed about your work. I know he cares and also always try's to keep everybody aware to just not bluntly install "unknown" files, judging your work I think you can relate to that.

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