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Z81 Salmon Lake, Alaska Elevation problem


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Runway 33 is out in the lake, windsock sticking up out of the water and runway is in a small basin.  Ran Vector AEC, Z81 not listed in either list. Verified files for Vector, issue still the same. Do I just add it on the left? Been a while since I’ve encountered this. Any help appreciated. Thanks

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3 hours ago, wblackret said:

First try no good. I am running FSXSE and Freemesh, if that makes a difference. forgot that info in original post. Will try again.


 Sorry Nick, guess you didn't see this. Also, disabled Freemesh North America. It flattened the ridge around the airport (which made me think it was an elevation issue), but still in the water.

Like I said, not a good day here.

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Ok Nick, Z81 Salmon Lake is now back on dry land. Thanks so much for your help. If I have Freemesh North America active in the scenery file, the airport is in a basin. If I deactivate Freemesh NA, it is on flat land as I presume is correct. I did rerun AEC correction. Is this a Freemesh issue that I should contact them?


Happy Holidays!

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