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Hi there. My Library Scenery area for  "ORBX!OPENLC_!EUROPE_LIGHTS" seems to want to insert itself ABOVE the  "Tongass_Fjords_Higher_Priority" scenery. I tried to use FTX Central to position the items, but it keeps inserting above my Tongass scenery. I have also attempted to do it through the In-Game Scenery Library, but again it reverts back to the same location as above. The Tongass installation instructions have all FTX items ABOVE "Tongass_Fjords_Higher_Priority" and the "ORBX!OPENLC" items BELOW the "Tongass_Fjords_Lower_Priority". That is what I am attempting to do here:



As well, I was wondering whether this may be causing the elevation problem I am having with the included Tongass airports.  I do have elevation files for the airports in the scenery\world\scenery folder that have been optimized for P3Dv4:



Best Regards



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First please apply the below process.


Ensure all of your 3rd party non Orbx addons are at the top of your scenery library and above your FTX entries.

Then in FTX Central 3 Insertion points, move "FTX entries should be inserted below"  just below your last 3rd party addon.

Then move the "openLC entries should be inserted below"  just below your FTX entries. and click "Save".




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Thanks Doug, I have done as you instructed and closed the sim. The locations seem OK now. BTW I also deleted the Tongass areas. Should I relocate them to above the FTX entries or follow their recommended locations in the Scenery Library? That is, the 2 Tongass entries BETWEEN FTX and OpenLC? Does it really matter where the OpenLC Europe LIGHTS entry is located?




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Hi Tom


The Tongass entries should be as in the below image....also, I use the freeware Scenery Config Editor (linked below) and it will probably work better to control your scenery library. And it probably does not matter where the OpenLC Europe LIGHTS entry is located.




Scenery Library Order.png

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Thanks Doug. I downloaded the Scenery Config. app and it works flawlessly with P3Dv4.4 (I forgot about, I used it in FSX, did'nt think it was compatible with P3Dv4), it rectified my EuropeLC entry problem, thanks. I was thinking about the Airports\Airfields elevation issues I am having with the Tongass scenery. None of the airports are included in the ORBX\FTX_Global\FTXFTXG_Airports folder where if I install a new airport I will check that folder for any ORBX freeware and remove the ADE or FTX .bgl file to prevent any elevation issues. But there are .bgl files in the  FTX_Vector folder under  _AEC or _APT. Would these files possible affect the elevation issues for the Tongass Airports?




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40 minutes ago, canadagoose said:

But there are .bgl files in the  FTX_Vector folder under  _AEC or _APT. Would these files possible affect the elevation issues for the Tongass Airports?



Sorry, I am not sure, I don't know the specific airports off the top of my head, but below is an explanation from Holger Sandman on how those work. I would just go over the install instructions from Elaine and recheck everything was done correct.




"the way the AEC tool works is that it scans all active scenery folders, including Orbx folders, against the set of airports of which Vector itself has changed the default elevation (i.e., all airports in the initial "AEC is enabled for" list on the lower left of the AEC menu). For each duplicate airport it finds, AEC compares the elevation changes and, if there's a difference, puts the Vector version into the "AEC is disabled for" list. In other words, Vector's AEC tool only ever deactivates its own files to avoid conflict with other add-ons,including FTX Regions and airports, when they contain different airport reference altitudes."
"If a given airport doesn't appear on the "AEC is enabled for" list then Vector didn't change its default altitude. If you have a display problem at that airport then, most likely, it's a conflict between two other add-ons unrelated to Vector."

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