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Where are the original FSX/P3D files?


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If I remember correctly, when I first installed FTX Global many moons ago, there was a prompt to save the original sim scenery/texture files for FSX/P3D but for the life of me I can not find them on my disk.


Is there an easy way to find out where those files are located as I would like to make a backup copy of those files on an external hard disk? I have both FSX and P3D on different flight sim PCs.






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That's a 'glitch' of FTX.

I've noted it already in June:


and was promised a patch...

Hopefully you did backups of your P3D installation prior to FTX installation, then you could get them out again.

Though I am astonished how few people miss their backups...


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  • 4 weeks later...


the problem is with FTX Central across all FSX and P3D versions.

It has been reported internally more than once and we await a comment or solution

from the FTX Central team.


Very few customers wish to return to default textures after seeing FTX Global Base and

HD trees but there are those who simply must have a backup of everything, even files that

they have no intention of using and which can be restored quite easily from the original simulator.

This is of course fine and hopefully the function for these two products will in due course be restored.


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  • 1 month later...



Sorry for the long delay in following up on this. I appreciate the info so far.


I believe I found my Orbx backup folder but I am not 100% sure.


I found a backup folder in which I have been saving my downloaded zip files from some of the Orbx downloads. Together with this were 2 folders named Texture and Scenery.

Within the Scenery folder were two sub folders named Global and World and it appears the creation date of the latest files were 24 May 2017.Could these be the original P3D files that shipped with the original version of P3Dv4?


Could someone confirm please?





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