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not enough space on system ssd

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2 hours ago, Kostas Chatzi said:

I would very much like to download TE Netherlands for P3dv4.3. Unfortunately not enough space on system drive. P3d drive is 1 TB.


Hi, welcome to the forums


Please have a look at the below topic.






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Open FTXCentral/Settings Go to General and set Temp Download Location to where you want the scenery to be downloaded. Make a Temp file on your P3D disk and point to that library. NB Central will only download to that directory but will ionstall the scenery where it belongs. 


Sorry posted at the same moment as Dough.


the Swede in Spain

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Ok Open My Computer on your PC, mark (click on the drive name where you want to create the new folder), right click on the drive name. At the bottom you will find New click and choose Folder and a new folder/library is created. . Right click on the new folder and rename it to Temp or whatever you like. Open FTXCentral and point the download location to the folder you just created.




the Swede in Spain


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Doug Sawatzky, JJJACKSON, I am not very experienced, so could you please show me an example of " Make a Temp file on your P3D disk and point to that library "...

I mean Doug Sawatzky is saying something else (?) His solution is for all temp files(not only orbx) to be downloaded on a different drive. You are saying to just orbx products to be downloaded elsewhere. Correct? So if I want to make changes to FTX central (v3314) settings/General, should  i first just create a folder (called "temp") on D drive where my p3d is? And then go to FTX settings where it says "chose location", click on it, and point to "D:/temp". Sorry for my English.

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