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Holy #%#$$ !


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Just installed Track IR (courtesy of my ever loving and patient spouse)....Thanks babe !!. What a trip...gave my self vertigo and neck ache doing the head on a stick thing..

INCREDIBLE in FS...plain dangerous in a driving simulator, managed to plow my 911 Porsche straight into a wall 'cause i was too busy looking out the window.

All i can say is, if you can, scrape up the money and do it.......

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Hi Wolter,

          Yeah, got the proclip as well..brilliant. Now my neck hurts. :) Nothing more to say. Now my tiny brain is going HMMM, what else can we develop for this. Oh, look Java class attributes...Hmm...

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Can't fly without one any more! It's like flying with keyboard instead of a joystick! In fact, I'm surprised that there are still so many people flying without TIR. That's okay for airliners. But for VFR it is a must IMO! 

But make sure that you get a TIR 4 Vector Expansion model. The older TIRs with only x/y-axis are a chore in the long run!

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Guest J van E

TrackIR rules!!! It's awesome. I also can't fly without it anymore.

The post about TrackIR not working with Vista SP1 scares me to death... Anyone else having the same problem...?

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Akaluke, with SP1 my machine refuses to run the trackir software, I double click it to start it and nothing happens. Checking the task manager shows that the executable isn't running. Device manager says the hardware is installed and is fine. I've tried it out on my wife's new laptop she got yesterday (running Vista without SP1) and it works just fine, so the hardware is ok.

On my machine I even uninstalled SP1, and it still wont run, it was working fine before the installation of SP1, so I really don't know what is going on.

Several other people are using TrackIR's with SP1 on this forum, e.g. Wolter and aren't having any problems, so it may well be that mine is an isolated case. I'm currently working with Natural Point to resolve the problem, but without any joy so far.

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Mango, no network running, apart from my Internet connection and nothing else that I know of that is blocking the trackIR port (I didn't even know it needed a port though!). On the off chance I even disabled my firewall for testing and still no joy.

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erm ...... someone mentioned my name  ::)

I have TrackIR4 and the ProClip wich run fine on my Ol' crate here.

I have fsX~Acceleration

I'm running XP SP2, as SP3 isn't available in Dutch ........ yet

I also advice to all before getting on a bandwagon of erranious guesses to check the TrackIR website for the latest drivers etc. and in case off, just contact them via their Support options, I had some quircks in the past, I got on the phone and they are very friendly and helpfull, they sorted me out in a jiffie.

Hope it helps ;)

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As I do not have Vista I can't start even guessing what the causes could be and yes I just did read your "exchange" at the TrackIR forums.

maybe a daft guess from my end, does Vista have also the option like XP, that when you rightclick the exe to run it as another OS like 98SE or XP ?

as said just guessing here

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Martin, yeah same user name over there too. PS I really don't think Vista repair is gonna help me out here. ( I didn't mean to hijack your thread either :) )

Wolter, apologies, I meant meant Mango when I gave your name as an exampe  :-[ , yeah I have tried running it in different compatibilty modes to no avail.

I'm sure I'll get it sorted eventually!

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I had a quick read of the thread on the TrackIR forum...

A quick suggestion that seems to have helped me with other Vista issues...

1. Try running the install and the app by right clicking and selecting Run As Administrator..

And this one is more likely..(especially as it seems the default profiles aren't being created).

2. In Windows Explorer, right click on the install folder and select Properties, Security, then Edit, then Add. Add yourself to the list of users, checking the FULL access checkbox. OK, OK, OK.

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Thats cool. Something else occurred, What version of the TRIR software are you running?. I just had a look on the news page in TR and theres a couple of relatively new versions of the software.

Version 4.1.034 beta 2

(posted March 6, 2008)

(.exe 3.9 MB)

Version 4.1.030 - Final B

(posted April 6, 2007)

(.zip 3.77 MB)

(Or .exe 3.87 MB)

4.1.030 talks about adding support for vista compatible USB drivers. Might be worth checking out.



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Akaluke, yep already tried that to no avail, when installing software I *always* install as the administrator, but thanks for the suggestion.

Martin, yep tried the the beta 2, the final B is the one that came with my unit. :)

I'm sure I'll get it sorted in time, but I gotta admit I *really* miss it when flying!

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MMM, hang in there. You'll suss it eventually...One thought is to approach the problem from the other direction, perhaps look at it from the POV that Trackir is ok and fundamentally Vista SP1 is a bug ridden pig in a poke....try doing a google search on "vista sp1 problems" and see if the answers buried in the 500000 odd hits google returns.

Personally i'd be doing my analysis from the view of  "is the program hooking into the USB driver cleanly? and passing data..etc " and progressing from there....I'd look deeper, but all my development machines run XP...and the one machine here thats running vista is being used for alpha testing and is jealously guarded by its owner....



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Track IR is an amazing utility although I have been asking for a multi monitor mode for ages now, but nothing so far. It works ok, but too quick in the left / right axis. I don't like using dead zones, unrealistic imho.

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??  Multi monitor mode  what for the Track IR  ?

Go to your config and set it so when you look at the left Monitor you are actually looking out the left side. with carefull tuning you can get it as good as allowing for Sim constraints of course.

You cannot simulate the real world unless you have wraparound vision. BUT I believe the nVidia VR Goggles while poor in performance LCD they do allow you to look where you look.  ie  turn around to look out the back duck your head to look around the Pillar ( 182 etc )

with my 3 X 20"  the Track IR is a dream since I can turn the sensativities WAY down it is smooth and relatively realistic given the constraints we have to work in.

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I have one too.. One annoying bastard though, is that with the trackIR, only Piper warrior, it takes tons of attempts to switch the fuel tank when starting up (I think because you sometimes move slightly when switching the lever). And I dont think theres a shortcut to do it

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  When I have trouble switching something because of small head movements with TrackIR; I look at the switch, then hit F9 yo momentarily disable the TrackIR, switch the whatever, then turn the TrackIR back on by hitting the F9 key again. If it a real small button, I zoom in while the view is frozen, by using the + key. ( - to zoom back out of course. )  ;D



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I have the track IR off command (F9) slaved to a button on the joystick (the 'trigger'). One click and the view freezes to allow me to hit a switch with the mouse in the VC. Another click to regain head movement. Better than searching for F9 on the keyboard in the dark, although I also have an illuminated keyboard to help me work around the menu bug in FSX with keyboard shortcuts.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I finally solved the problem with my TrackIR, unfortunately the solution involved wiping out the OS and re-installing Vista, it's updates and SP1 from scratch...... *sigh* (but at least the trackir is working as advertised now).

Now all I have to do is re-install FSX, and acceleration, my meshes, my other addins and of course FTX again.... (hope it all goes ok and I don't have too many reactivation hassles).

I've learnt my lesson (which I actually learnt a loooong time ago, but got lazy and or forgot) and have ghosted my install and plan on doing another one when FSX plus addons is up and running to my satisfaction. (Been a bit hard not flying for a few days and another couple probably before I get everything sorted!)

Cheers all and thanks for the support and suggestions!

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