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NZGS Runway Elevation Problem


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When maxkillers posted his elevation problem last week, I went around the airport testing my elevations, and found no problems similar to his. The only place I didn't check was runway 14/32. Saturday I was admiring the exterior views of my new Bonanza, and noticed the tires were sunk a few inches into the pavement (just short of the wheel hubs). Nothing extreme like maxkillers' though. Thinking it was the aircraft, I changed it. No difference. The avatar's boots were sunk as well. I checked all of the grass runways, parking, gates, and surrounding area, no problems, just 14/32 and the taxiway as it approaches the runway. If I move off the runway, the lower part of the tire becomes visible again. It's not a problem at any of the other airports. I don't have Vector or any other scenery installed other than NZSI, NZQN, NZWR, NZMF, Graham Eccleston's AI Australia, and Global AI Ship Traffic. From FTX Central 3, I uninstalled the AI traffic, no change. I uninstalled NZNI and NZGS, and the tires are fine on the default runway. Installed NZNI, and again, the tires were fine. Installed NZGS, and they sunk again. I checked for the file that Scott mentioned in maxkillers' thread (ADE_FTX_NZNI_NZGS_elevation_adjustment.BGL), and it's where he indicated. It's not a soul-crushing problem, just wondering if it's only me, and any help would be appreciated. Thanks.



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After looking through the screenshot forum again, I noticed that others might have the same issue.

The fourth pic in this thread shows a buried tailwheel, with the main wheels appearing normal on the grass: https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/159841-dorothy-visits-nzgs/

And the second and third pics in this thread as well: https://orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/159811-nzgs-my-way-apologies-in-advance/


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