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Ground Texture topic with Tim Harris...?


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Hello Orbx,


I am trying to find an old blog that I had with Tim Harris in regards to getting sharper ground textures in P3D..?  At the moment my new P3Dv4 install is again showing blury grass textures around the Orbx scenery airports.  There use to a tool that Orbx had called "Aero' that one could use to change the resolution of these textures and Tim Harries explained to me how to manually do this because the Aero tool does not exist anymore.


How can I find that blog again please?  I have typed my user name in the serach window but not ALL of the inputs/comments/entries that i have made here at Orbx show up...not even the quite recent ones???  The latest dates back nearly two years ago?


Or would anyone else know how to to this please?



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