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Hi Nick or anybody.


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Been onto the P3D forum and seems theirs loads of people with problems as I am having and seems one solution is to delete these folders but they do not say where they are. Have had a look but can not find them. They are  %PROGRAMDATA%\Lockheed Martain\Prepar3D v4 and %LOCALAPPDATA%\Lockheed Martain\Prepar3D v4  and  %APPDATA%\Lockheed Martain\Prepar3D v4. Derek.

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Hello Derek,

the "delete generated files" deletes all the files for you.

If you can't see them, it has already done so.

If you can't see your appdata folder, then you will need to

select "show hidden files, folders and drives" in your

Windows Explorer view settings.

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Hi Nick thanks all sorted and working. Read some where that you double click delete generated files and that works, only when you load P3D a set of pop ups came up and I selected them so that didn’t work. Done it again and this time did not select the pop ups and it worked. Just have to remember all the settings I had and the reinstall of everything. Thanks for your help Nick. Derek.

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