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Question about P3Dv4 Scenery Library Order OrbX FTX

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Hello , 

I have two Questions . 

1. On which Position of the Scenery Library from P3Dv4 the Vector Scenery Entries should positioned ? I use FS Global Ultimate MESH , FTX Global , GES , GEN and OpenLC 

2 . Which was the best Settings from Vector for an good Performance / Look and Feel Relationship ? 




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Hello it is Lanclas and Photo i think . 

There are 3 Scenery Config Files : 1. Elevation, 2. Photo Scenery and 3. Objects . 


1. Detailed height model with a geometric resolution of approx. 5 meters and specially adapted aerial image textures with a resolution of approx. 1 meter / pixel (no seasons, only summer textures)

2. Area-wide vegetation and building representation (autogen)

3. Numerous visual flying objects for orientation (power lines, transmission towers, wind turbines, churches, etc.)


What do you think ? On which Position in conjunction with FTX Global , OpenLC , FTX GES and LOWI you would positioned this three Entrys ? 








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