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KSAN .Aircraft in building


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Sorry to say that didn't work. I have also tried reinstalling the Southern California scene and re directing the control panel to use the Orbx Global Base. Neither worked . I have FSX- steam

installed on another drive and as this looked the same I have deleted the total FSX entry. The only difference seems to be that some more aircraft in different liveries are now visible. I also see that the pleasure craft stand on the various mooring jetties alongside other flat images. It does look very odd.  

Regards.    backseat

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Thanks for the reply.

Yes I did uninstall.   I did a search for any files relating to it and that's when having found those relating to the FSXSteam I deleted the program. I also uninstalled

the Southern California scene but to no avail. that uninstall resulted in a very strange looking KSAN it had trees and out of place scenery in general. When I reinstalled

both of them checking each before going onto the next the result was the same except that a few more aircraft shoed up. Just for further info I do have the Just Flight

early access Traffic Global installed. Removing that program didn't make any difference apart from some aircraft being different. The one in the building never changed.

Looking forward to your next update and hoping that it might fix my problem

Regards .     backseat  

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this is not something that i have to resolve in a next update because it is just a your problem. From the screens looks you have AFCAD problem, i say this because you don't have jetways, you have default concrete surface in the wrong places and the aircraft positions are wrong. I realy suggest to proceed in these step:


1) Completely remove KSAN again, and make sure to don't have any folder related KSAN of ORBX version

2) Completely uninstal SCA and make sure to don't have any folder related to SCA

3) Do a deep search for other KSAN scenery in your sim, and make sure to 100% to don't have any other KSAN

4) Re-download SCA and install it

5) Re-download KSAN and install it

6) Set KSAN cp to SCA compatibility mode.


If you follow these step i'm sure 100% you will resolve your issue.


Regards, Matteo

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