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Black and Weird Textures

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 I had these kinds of issues previously, but they seem to have come up again. I have tried the fix posted, ran the migration, Repaired the Client, Scenery, and Content of P3D, rolled back drivers (might have to go farther back, not sure) I think it might have to do with Objectflow as shown here, but I'm not sure. Any and all help would be appreciated, see the pictures below for an idea of my problem. This happens around FSDreamTeam PHNL, but it's not specific to this area. Newest Libraries, correct scenery order, etc.







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you could try deleting or renaming 

C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\terrain.cfg.


Run P3D once and see if the anomalies are still there.

If not, close P3D and run FTX Central.

Wait until it has "activated Orbx scenery".

Then try again.

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It appears that ORBX is the issue. When letting P3D build it's own terrain.cfg, the problem is fixed. But when FTX Central activates ORBX, I get the issues. 

The below image is without the issues, and the bottom image has them.



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