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New Zealand New Install and CTD Issue

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Hello All --- I just finally installed New Zealand North and South in P3DV4 (latest rev) along with some new Australia airports. I also ran the elevation utility as well.


My problem is that any New Zealand airport I try and load is crashing to the desktop. Australia is working fine. What am I possibly missing here with the New Zealand install???

I am not running any other scenery add-ons other than REX.

First time this issue has ever appeared.


Many Thanks --- Bob




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Hello Nick --- and thanks for the reply.

No, outside AI aircraft installed at all other than the normal ones. Certainly nothing from any older sims.  I know this is a weird one.

I have had no problems at all before the recent installs (New Zealand plus added Australia airports). This is really frustrating.

Any other ideas greatly appreciated. I did do an uninstall and reinstall of New Zealand North and South. No change.


Help! --- Tks --- Bob


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MORE INFO: The CTD occurs after the selected scenario data loads to 100% (no error msgs) then it struggles for about 5 seconds then crashes to the desktop. Again only happening with New Zealand airports selected --- help!!!



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I feel your pain Bob. It is happening to me as well.

I had a nice stable NZ last year. I think it was after I purchased and installed all of the UK, that when I went back to NZ the system crashed exactly the same as you, when positioning at any of the developed and undeveloped airports.

I reported the problem here and received the same advice from Nick which I hoped would fix it. I uninstalled the only AI that I had (Aust AI) but that didn't fix it.

I then set about uninstalling, downloading and reinstalling NZSI, NZNI, Queenstown, Milford Sound, and Whangarei. This took me about two full days on my slow system. Eventually, it came good. I re-installed Aust AI and all was good. (I don't fly from NZ much.)

In the June sale, I purchased and installed a few more regions. (Which all work well). In July, I tried to proudly demonstrate Queenstown to a NZ friend and P3D crashed TD 10 seconds after the black view disappears. I tried all the NZ airports again and they all CTD.

So far, I have un-installed NZSI, NZNI and Queenstown, downloaded and re-installed them but NZ has not come back. System crashes every time. The rest of the world is OK.


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Hi Aussie !!!!  -- well, in a weird way, I feel better. It would appear there is an issue with introducing the NZ scenery. A gremlin somewhere.

I hope this issue gets to the right folks that can figure this out. Like you, I tried several things with no significant effect.


Thanks again for the great feedback. ---- Bob



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there is no logic to only New Zealand destinations causing a simulator crash.

There have been many many topics about there being spurious aircraft crashes

in the New Zealand scenery area and the advice is to disable aircraft crash detection.


If you have made and saved your own default flight, you might try resetting to the P3D default

and see if it will let you go to New Zealand from there.


I cannot replicate this at all.

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I'll give your suggestion a try on the weekend Nick.

By the way, I have never had aircraft crash detection activated.

My default scenario is a 737 parked, shut down at a Gate at YSCB. From there I can select and re-position to any airfield/gate/runway in the world and it goes there and is stable. I select one in New Zealand, it goes there, opens up, looks good for 5 seconds and CTD.

Very strange. But... It is good to know one is not alone..


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Good Morning Nick and Aussie ----- well, in desperation I removed both the Orbx NZS and NZN sceneries and then ran the elevation utility again.

My new YBCS and YMML were still installed. I set up a flight to depart at YBCS and noticed that the autopilot in the aircraft I had selected was now NOT working. Rebooted everything and tried again --- same result.

I then removed my new Orbx YBCS and YMML. Ran the elevation utility. Rebooted the sim again and set up the same flight at YBCS, same aircraft, and NOW the autopilot was working fine as it always did.


At this point, I cannot initiate a flight scenario at a NZ airport even with all of the above removed and rebooted. Same crashing problem.


Nick, is there any "restoration procedure" that I can go through to restore the sim to where it will work as it should?? I would hate to have to totally reinstall P3DV4 just to clear out this mystery bug.

Presently, my P3DV4 install uses the following versions:

Acad. Client =

Content =

Scenery =


Nick, FYI, my default flight is still the P3DV4 default. I have not changed that. Standing by for any help suggestions.....

Cheers,   Bob







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8 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:



there is no logic to only New Zealand destinations causing a simulator crash.

There have been many many topics about there being spurious aircraft crashes

in the New Zealand scenery area and the advice is to disable aircraft crash detection.


If you have made and saved your own default flight, you might try resetting to the P3D default

and see if it will let you go to New Zealand from there.


I cannot replicate this at all.


Hello Nick --- your opening comment sent me off on another quest ---- given that on a broad scale, locations to the west (eg AYPY, YBCS) function OK, I started at NZ and began trying locations progressively westward in longitude. ALL of them (eg Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Solomons) CRASHED UNTIL I GOT TO BRISBANE! Then all was OK from there westward. So I have some magic longitude line in the internal map that seems to exist down the easternmost extreme of Australia. Hmmm!

Pretty radical food for thought --- what could have caused this condition??? I should have done this experiment earlier.


Any suggestions as to how to "refresh" the underpinnings of the mapping?? Something is sure messed up and we don't know what has caused it. Yikes!!


Thanks Again --- Bob


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13 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Bob,

is this all airports, default as well as add ons?


Yes. The only add-on I have tested during this experiment is Orbx AYPY. It works fine and is still installed. The other airports I have tested are defaults. It does not appear to be airport sensitive although I did get the weird autopilot behavior at Orbx YBCS before I removed it.

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Ha, the things you find, scouring the forum.


I love flying New Zealand, especially in my cockpit, but just a few months back, I, too had the dreaded CTD whenever I selected any of my NZ Airports, default or payware.


I have recently installed UT Live in my cockpit, so the FS9liveries may be my problem, but today, I overcame the issue.


I've been hanging out to fly the Wellington to Queenstown  run, which is spectacular, and not very easy to accomplish.


Rather than go through the whole CTD thing, I started up at my default location, Boeing 737-800NG at YBCG Gold Coast, weather eal time and time set to current.


I always fly with FS Flight Control, which is a brilliant add-on that is and EFB, combined with failure injector, etc.

It also allows you to pick and choose airports for touch and go's and all sorts of Cat ILS landings.


So, I just popped in NZWN and gate 27, which is the only Heavy parking at Wellington.


It loaded perfectly, no issues.


I know this is not a fix for the problem, but it allows me to keep all of my existing set-up without removing any add-ons and still use one of the best add-ons I've ever come across for flight sim.




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Hello Frank -- well thanks for adding some info on your experience with this weird problem we are trying to figure out. I hope the good folks at Orbx are sorting through all this.


Still waiting to hear back from Nick on this, but this one may take some time. Again, there is some "comfort" in knowing others have experienced this issue in one form or another.


I enjoy flying the islands of Oceania and around Australia so I anxiously await a fix so I can get back to that flying. Please keep us posted on any other observations.


Happy Flying --- Bob


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On a hunch, I went back and updated/replaced my P3DV4 'Content' and 'Scenery' sections so that all sections are at the latest ver.

After this update/reload, all is back to normal without installing NZSI and NZNI ---- so I did that next. And it is working fine !!!!!!  :)

So what did the update change? Modify? Replace? to clear the problem??


So the question remains 'what could have ruined the mapping before??'  ---- I don't think we will ever know, barring some great luck.


I plan to do a full reinstall of both my P3DV4 and Orbx scenery to start from a clean slate. Long, tedious job, but needed for peace of mind.


Nick, please advise of any suggestions you may have given all that we have experienced here.


Regards,   Bob


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I am still running V 4.2 on my cockpit and have no plans to upgrade to 4.3 just yet, maybe later in the year, after I get my new GTX 1180's.

Until then, I will continue to use my workaround solution.




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Howdy All --- yes, thanks Nick for looking at this issue for us. It is an obscure one, to say the least. Well, it is time to get back to looking at some other airports during the summer sale!!!!


Thanks again and Happy Flying All !!!!


Bob  :)

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Very interesting discussion.

Having had no success in NZ I went in and tried to start at a default airport in Hawaii yesterday and it crashed for me as well - so you are correct Bob.

For each P3D update I had replaced both the Client and Content package but never the Scenery (dreading the long download time, any potential problems with the Orbx installation and P3D saying nothing had changed)


I apologise for thinking it was an Orbx issue.


Looks like that P3D work is next on the agenda if I want to fly east of Australia.



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Didn't work for me.

Just spent two days downloading the P3D V4.3 Scenery package on my slow connection.

I then uninstalled my v4.1 Scenery and installed the v4.3 Scenery to match the v4.3 Client and v4.3 Content. Ran FTX Central to activate.

When I loaded my default YSCB all was good and stable. (I had to go back into FTX Central to turn off the default AI traffic option in AU AI Traffic.)

Tried old YSSY all OK. Same with new purchase YBCG. Quite expectantly I next loaded Queenstown. Looked very good for 10 seconds and then crashed to desktop.

I went to bed.

I will continue my quest today.


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  • 3 weeks later...

I still can't fly in the Pacific. Very frustrating.

I tried to find out where the world ended for me yesterday.

I loaded up my B737 with 10 tonnes of fuel and set out from Sydney for Auckland at FL36.

Flew for about half an hour. Passed over a few waypoints heading south east until just passing 35S 155E and then crash to desktop.

I'm running out of options? Orbx scenery and Orbx AI is all I have that is geographically related??


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