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FTX Global / OLC EU / Vectors


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I bought OLC EU and Vectors two days ago, as  I am disappointed with the P3D v4.3 performance and the stuttering using Ch professional. Now everything is installed and I departed from LSZG. But I am a bit worried if all is OK or if there is a config issues. To be honest, the result of the FTX is not as convincing as the screenshots I have seen around the web.


Vectors config is all turned ON.

FTX insertion is just above bathymetry

LC is configured to be below FTX


Can one confirm that, this is what I can expect, please.








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yes, I would think that is what one should expect.

I see in your last shot that there seems to be black water in the river.

Disabling "Frozen water in winter" in the Vector control panel will

fix that.


Here is what I see, 



Which compares quite well with a photo insert.


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