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David Stringer

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Hello, David, and welcome aboard!


I had a similar issue when I upgraded to P3D v4.3. Did you open FTX Central before starting your updated P3D? I'm not sure that this wasn't more than coincidental -- maybe someone with more knowledge could verify this -- but it appeared that I needed to run FTX Central first in order to allow it to activate the Orbx scenery. This is something that happens every time you open FTX central and can be verified by the status message, "activating Orbx scenery" shown in the status area (lower left portion of the panel above the "settings" button.) I had rebooted P3D several times and tried different terrain/texture settings to no avail, but had never started up FTX Central after my upgrade. Once I had opened FTX Central, verified that the Orbx scenery was activated, and then closed it, I started P3D and my scenery was back to normal.


This may have been unrelated and purely coincidental, but everything is working again for me. Maybe this will help you.


Happy flying!



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