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San Francisco City Coast/Autogen allignment

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I posted this in the Scenery Dev forum on prepar3d.com as well but I suspect this is an ORBX issue.

I have ORBX Global Base, ORBX Vector,NALC, EULC and this annoying discrepancy with the pier 39 building sand the San Fran city coastline. See pic below.

Any way to fix this?



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presumably you also have some sort of Vector software as well, this is how the scene

looks with the products you describe active.

You can see that the buildings are indeed in the same place.

I have reduced the autogen to zero, so that you can see that they are default scenery objects.




Here is the same area in default P3D with no one's add on scenery at all.



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these are default scenery objects.

I have shown you that they remain with or without Global Base, Vector or Open LC

and that they remain in the same location in the default simulator.

You will now need to refer back to the P3D forum.


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Im certainly not arguing that they are default. I will refer to the P3d forums and Freemesh. I was simply stating that I have vector installed as well. On the topic of vector. Can you possibly explain why I have a bridge under a bridge at the top of this pic. The same thing occurs on the San Mateo bridge to the south. This does not occur with vector not installed on my sim.

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that is something that you can address with the Vector control panel, which allows you to disable

various Vector features to suit what you have installed. 

Please don't trouble the Freemesh developers.

their product has no effect on these default scenery objects.

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If it's not a freemesh problem then I am at a loss and cannot even begin to figure this out.


You have shown that without ORBX products installed, the buildings are in the correct place.

You have stated that FREEMESH couldn't affect default scenery problems.

I have no other sceneries installed that could possibly do this. Flightbeam KSFO doesn't affect the downtown San Francisco area.


In my pic vs your pic it looks like fisherman's wharf itself is moved (redrawn coastline.)  The other piers do not appear to be misplaced and the other buildings aren't out of place.


I know this isn't ORBX but a steer in the right direction would be great.

None of the ORBX products change coastlines?


The ORBXvector product page specifically states that it changes coastlines to be accurate.


"Accurate coastlines, rivers, lakes and other water bodies. Vector uses new shoreline and beach textures to add more realism which provides a more integrated and natural appearance " (from the product page)


This is the only addon I have installed that to my mind could do this.


I'm not trying to be confrontational at all. Just really want to find a resolution to this. I also just made sure my order number is in profile (hope I did it right) Apologies, I didn't see that requirement before.

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Here is a series of images to illustrate the problem and

offer one possible solution.


Please note the position of the default buildings.

It looks passable but is in fact not accurate when

compared with the real world.

1 default.jpg


Only the textures are changed



Vector has redrawn the shorelines to reflect the real

world but the default buildings remain in exactly the

same wrong place.




The developers of FTX Northern California have seen

the error in the default, excluded the default buildings

and replaced them with much more accurately placed

buildings. This is a potential solution, you must decide

if it is important enough to you to buy the product.



The specific buildings that are the subject of your

complaint are now autogen and correctly placed.



So that it now looks very much like the real thing




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Thank you nick. I have been considering the purchase of ORBX NCA, My concern has been performance with Flightbeam KSFO and the 10M freemech USA on top of adding the NCA scenery. Ive been researching reviews. Thoughts?

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I tried the Freemesh and found that it's greater resolution in fact caused more problems around airports than

I was prepared to accept in return for the benefits.

This is not really the fault of the mesh but the fault of the often somewhat inaccurate default airports and of

course, the fact that they are all flat.

I don't own any Flightbeam products, so I can't comment but this is the only topic in the Compatibility forum.


For me, there is no noticeable difference in performance between default San Fransisco

and FTX San Francisco but it certainly does seem to look a very great deal better.

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@grayal Here is what I am seeing using NCA, Flightbeam SFO, and FreemeshX.  I actually have my Orbx Mesh disabled in favor of FreemeshX.  Running the two of them together can possibly cause conflict per the Freemesh forum.








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9 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello, thanks.

I am guessing that you are very happy with that?

I would be.


I am happy.  It's very immersive.  I certainly wouldn't complain if the idea of the San Francisco City Scene resurfaces though ;-)


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