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vista 64 ultimate-a few shots

Ken Hall

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Just set up a new system using vista ultimate with a dual core quad 6600 and 8800gts 512and 4g ram, so far the shots look very sharp, I had sliders all set near max,screen resolution to 1650*1080, as yet I havn't tweeked the cfg file, so frame rates are down a bit,18-24fps. This was just a quick flight to try things out.


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Great shots Kman, thanks for sharing...

Your pictures however one small anomaly that I experience frequently on my setup. The issue is this, in all of your shots of the Maule, the images are pin sharp (ie. the antialiasing is superb, no jaggies), but on the SF260, there are a couple of small jaggies.  I have the same problem between the SF260 and the DE Cheyenne.  For me the SF260 is pretty much pin sharp in my screenies, but once I move slightly away from the Cheyenne, I get some jaggies appear.  Up close the Cheyenne is spot on.

Any clues as to why this is so?

Cheers and thanks again fo the screenies and nice PC BTW  :o

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I have noticed, the super 80 is the same as the 260, I might play around with settings a bit and try to see if I can get some clues, by the way, I was playing around in the 260 doing aeros and noticed that outside shots I was getting up to 45-50 FPS but V cockpit view dropped to 22, that may be a clue.



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by the way, I was playing around in the 260 doing aeros and noticed that outside shots I was getting up to 45-50 FPS but V cockpit view dropped to 22, that may be a clue.

That's similar to my own experience with that aircraft...  Cheers and thanks for the reply

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