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L35 Elevation


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Transfered L35 Big Bear from Turbulent Designs to ORBX FTX Central. Unfortunately as shown in attached screeenshot there's appears to be an elevation problem. I've run the vector config, but without success.


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Hi Mark,


I had the same exact problem. See my post in the Turbulent forum (before L35 became a ORBX product): https://www.turbulentdesigns.co.uk/forum/topic/756-l35-issues/?do=findComment&comment=3640


I had a similar problem with ORBX KACK, which started me down the road towards a solution. Here is my post on that: 


It did not have the 'blue' runway, but it did have the same elevation problems.


I solved the problem and 'my' solution is here: https://www.turbulentdesigns.co.uk/forum/topic/756-l35-issues/?do=findComment&comment=3651


NOTE: Make a backup copy of your scenery.cfg file...so that you can reenter any of your other payware sceneries to the newly generated scenery.cfg file!


This definitely solved my problems with L35.


I hope this helps.




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