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Holgermesh Australia made P3D V4.2 go wierd

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I just thought I would post this. I have a lot of ORBX scenery on and working fine, I had a look at what the 'mesh' scenery does and decided to install it. The PNG mesh went on fine, nut when I installed the Holgertmesh Australia, -  it went crazy. 


I have a separate Solid State drive pnly for P3D with 111 GB on it. P3D was tajing about 26 GB. of this.


When I installed the Australia mesh, it would not start P3D. It showed that I did not have enough disk space to run P3D.  


I ran the trouble-shooter which showed some corrupt, or missing, or something  files.....


"Migration missing".

nvalid files:


Anyhow, I have had to uninstalleverything ORBX, OZX and Ants Aussie Airports to get it going again. Not happy.


John Khan


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Hello John,


thank you for sharing this.

I am not sure if you are asking for advice but in case it might help here is some.


Installed, Holgermesh is 255 MB which would fit easily into 85 GB.


The better way to test if a scenery item is causing a problem is to simply

un-tick its entry in the scenery library. There is no need to remove or replace files

until or unless the problem is identified.


If you have used FTX Central version 3 to install your Orbx products, deleting the relevant 

ORBX\User documents\Versions text file will make FTX Central version 3 show the product as not installed.

Running the Install product command will then check all the files and add in any that are missing.



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I don't understand why or how rhis made the dosk show it was fullThanks Nick


I am always happy to get advice.


I thought, at the time, it might have been the order in which I installed the mesh. I had everything else on and working fine for a long time, then decided to add the Hol;germesh. 


I absolutely use FTX 3 for installations, updates and uninstalling. It is reinstalling everything mow in the background. :-)   By the way, when I started FTX Central this morning,, it asked to migrate something.


I tried to uninstall the mesh but it wouldn't do it and when I looked at the drives, it showed my Flightsim drive with a red line along it, saying it was full!


I still don't understand how, or why, this made it show the disk was full???


<a href='https://postimg.cc/image/r63vektb5/' target='_blank'><img src='https://s8.postimg.cc/r63vektb5/disk.png' border='0' alt='disk'/></a>


So, should I try to install the mesh again? Keeping in mind your fix for it.

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I don't believe this....


I have most of the ORBX back on, no trouble, and decided to reinstall OZX scenery. I got to OZX_AU 3.5 and it happened again




I have uninstalled OZX but it still shows??

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