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Highly unusual "terrain" in PNW

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Hello again all,


After taking off from the new KVUO and flying southeast to the coast range I encountered the severely odd terrain shown in the pictures attached. I have not flown in this area lately so was surprised to see this. I have all the NA regions installed as well as Vector and Global and nearly all NA airports, but no other third part scenery or mesh for the PNW installed and I am at a loss to figure the issue out.

The attached screenshots start with a view to the north (Mt. Hood in the background) and traverse in sequence to a view due south to show that the area adversely affected is extensive.

Running P3Dv4.2 in Windows 10, 16 gb of ram and GeForce 1080Tti.


The only thing I know to try, beyond checking for other third party software, is opening and closing PNW in FTX Central which was done with no effect on the problem.


Any thoughts, suggestion would be greatly appreciated.



William Ellis






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