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What is that swirl in the sky?

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It's Thermal Visualization. You can use it to find updrafts when flying gliders. To turn it off go to Options/Weather and use the drop down menu for Thermal Visualization to "None".


Keep the blue side up and the greasy side down.



Roger Halunen


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Thanks so much guy's for the replies......it was Thermal Visualization. I have been trying to solve this for day's!



p.s. thank's  Roger


Dick         a.k.a.  Sidler

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You are most welcome.


In the days of FSX the program came with a DS808 Glider and a series of tutorials on soaring. You would select your Glider in Aircraft, select Airport and then load. Your Glider will appear on centerline of runway; idle. You then keyed in Tow Plane (Call) CTRL+Shift+Y and the default Maule will appear in front of you to tow you to altitude. You then key Tow Rope (Release) Shift+Y and you are on your way. Or, in the startup screen you can Change Location and just add a couple of thousand feet to the airport you're flying from and set the Airspeed to about 80 kts and load. Once the flight is loaded you'll appear inflight at speed/altitude and ready to rock and roll. Although a glider has not yet been included P3D the keystrokes still work and there are plenty of free gliders available in a Google search of "FSX/P3D Free Gliders". I highly recommend flying gliders since it will ultimately improve your skill set, judgment, and airmanship. Just don't forget to turn up the volume on "Cockpit Environment" so you can hear the lack of engine noise and exquisite wind whistling past; of course, turn on "Thermal Visualization" which you already know how to do so you can see where the updrafts are located. Head over to them and catch the edge of the swirl and catch as much altitude as you can. You can stay up for long periods of time and cover great distances. Great fun and a good learning experience.


Go ahead and soar like an Eagle!



Roger Halunen

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