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Hi guys. Not sure if I’ve mentioned this before and I am old, but over the last few years I’ve been using a great Airport reference which I put into my IBooks and it’s called Washington State Airport Reference Guide. It has about 130 odd pages of coloured pictures of all the Airports in Washington state with the runways numbered. Have been trying to find other state guides but none has been as good as that. Does anybody know of other such guides. Mean just found Florida but that’s just a map with all the Airports on. Thanks Derek.

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Hey Derek 


I am looking at this guide you refer to http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/aviation/PilotsGuide/default.htm .

Did you try going into the individual state DOT sites to see if they have something similar ? . Here for example is a link for AK’s airports :

http://dot.alaska.gov/stwdav/AirportList.shtml :google:





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Skyvector has decent set of information for US airports including VFR/IFR Charts, Approach Plates, runway descriptions, google earth picture and the occasional submitted pictures.  The Washington site does look pretty nice though

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Hi John yea thats the one but the one I downloaded was with all the airports included, see that one you have you have to download every airport seperatly. Mind you it does say on the front of mine 2007 version. Looks like they changed the layout. Derek.

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