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messed up elevations at Tapini

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Hi all,

I currently have most of the Oceania related scenery products installed in P3Dv4.2 (Australia, NZSI, NZNI, and many Australian airports) as well as AYPY and Tapini. It is Tapini I am having problems with as shown in the attached screen caps: buildings in the air, deep holes along the length of the strip, and the runway on about a 40% slope. :-) I am running this version of P3D under Windows 10. I have tried numerous things: turned off all other 3rd party scenery (no OZX is turned on for example); tried both AEC enabled and AEC disabled; remigrated; deleted and reinstalled Tapini: moved Tapini up the scenery.cfg list above all other Orbx products; and, even temporarily removed the P3D default for Tapini and the results are the same, regardless. I know it looks like a 3rd party conflict but given the failure of the above listed attempts to resolve the problem I have reached the point of being stumped.


Any suggestions, observations or the like would be greatly appreciated (and no, I wasn't really going to try to put the Baron down there :-).


Thanks in advance.




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