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PAEN and PAJN Elevation errors

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Hi, I have just purchased a load of Orbx airports and am having elevation problems with 2 of the airports - PAEN & PAJN. I have tried running the elevation correction tool and this has not helped. Also, I have tried to manually enable and disable the airport elevation correction but neither airport appears in either the enable or disable list. Would be grateful if you could help. All the other airports I have installed tonight are fine. Screenshot of one of the airports below. Thanks.



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Thanks but I have read them and they didn't help - most of the suggestions refer to use of the auto-configuration tool or to manually adding or removing airports from the elevation correction list but the auto-config tool hasn't helped and neither of the airports I am having problems with appear on either the enable or disable list.

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You require at least one of the following products to use PAEN Kenai Municipal Airport.

NA Southern Alaska




You require at least one of the following products to use PAJN Juneau International Airport.

NA Southern Alaska




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