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Odd LOD radius around aircraft in cruising altitude

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So I noticed something odd that I really have never seen before, or maybe I just haven’t paid that much attention when flying but there is this squared off diamond around my aircraft whenever I am at altitude. I used a fighter to get up to FL400 quickly to snap a pic of what I mean but I was flying a Citation when I noticed it. You can see the high resolution mesh in dark green which is the normal base pack at work, but then beyond that there is this light brown that looks really ugly in flight. I assume it’s the LOD radius around the aircraft but like I said I’ve never noticed it to be this “in your face” like it is in this picture. When I hade FSX:SE I remember it being more smoothed and blended in the background. In P3Dv4.2 I have my LOD radius set at very high. Can anyone confirm they have this around their aircraft in flight too? It’s not until you get above FL300 that you start to notice it in the distance. Thanks. 


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Okay thank you. Like I said, I really don’t remember it being this way with FSX:SE but I guess I just wasn’t paying that close attention. Now that I think of it, I believe when I had my other sim, I set the high level visibility to 75nm’s and that’s probably why I couldn’t see the squares. In this photo the vis is set at like 200+nm’s through Active Sky. 

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2 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


this is the norm in all FSX and P3D versions.

The line in the distance is where the detailed terrain ends and the very basic world scenery begins.

So another orbx user from Facebook claims that he just noticed this today as well. In the slight chance that this could be a bug that just surfaced, how exactly would you fix the problem? Would you recommend uninstalling and reinstalling the base back? Or clearing the cache file? 


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Also I just tried to launch FTX and it says “An unexpected error occurred, please send Orbx staff the %localappdata%\Orbx\ftx3.log”. Would you point me in the right direction of sending you my Orbx Log file? Thanks. 

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16 hours ago, Marshall said:

Okay thank you. Like I said, I really don’t remember it being this way with FSX:SE but I guess I just wasn’t paying that close attention. Now that I think of it, I believe when I had my other sim, I set the high level visibility to 75nm’s and that’s probably why I couldn’t see the squares. In this photo the vis is set at like 200+nm’s through Active Sky. 


That could be part of why you are seeing it, but I think you may also be zoomed in too much in your outside views.  That edge of your LOD radius looks way too close to the aircraft in your picture, like your Spot zoom is at 100% or more.  Most users will be using a zoom setting of around 60% - 70% for a more realistic view.  Also note that using a 100% outside Zoom, your "blurry ground textures" will appear much closer to the aircraft, because "less sharp" textures being drawn at farther away LOD levels will appear CLOSER to the aircraft than they normally would.


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9 hours ago, FalconAF said:


That could be part of why you are seeing it, but I think you may also be zoomed in too much in your outside views.  That edge of your LOD radius looks way too close to the aircraft in your picture, like your Spot zoom is at 100% or more.  Most users will be using a zoom setting of around 60% - 70% for a more realistic view.  Also note that using a 100% outside Zoom, your "blurry ground textures" will appear much closer to the aircraft, because "less sharp" textures being drawn at farther away LOD levels will appear CLOSER to the aircraft than they normally would.


The only issue with that is, I never zoomed in at all. In fact I only took the pic outside so you guys could see it clearly but when I normally fly in my sim, when that cabin door shuts, I’m inside the whole flight. But at altitude in the cockpit I could still see those outlying squares off in the distance. I have had orbx for probably 10 years now and this is the first time I’ve seen those. 

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At altitude I have flickering ground tiles that are not black, but the same color as the sky. I have uninstalled, and reinstalled ORBX Global, and NA OpenLC as well. Still getting these odd colored tiles, as well as my LOD Radius in the distance is noticeable as I was explaining on another topic but after two days of no response from my last reply on there this problem has now surfaced.


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On 30/04/2018 at 10:15 PM, Marshall said:

The only issue with that is, I never zoomed in at all.



in that case, your zoom level will be 100% as described.

Your new complaint, which I have merged from your new topic,

is symptomatic of your PC not loading textures fast enough.

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4 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:



in that case, your zoom level will be 100% as described.

Your new complaint, which I have merged from your new topic,

is symptomatic of your PC not loading textures fast enough.

Hello. What is your verdict on the notification I got saying for me to send orbx one of my log files? Would you like to take a look at it just to make sure everything is fine? I still feel as though something got corrupted I’m just not sure what it is yet. Thanks

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